Re: Growing Up Gangsters
badster wrote:I am bewildered at the lack of moral outrage at this show. Doesn't it bother anyone that this woman is living in the lap of luxury with her psychopathic brother's blood money and aparently raising three future killers/gangsters/thieves/extortionists/thugs? Perpetuating a negative stereotype of Italian Americans is just one more reason to be offended by this show. To me, the overriding criticism of this show should be that it represents a complete lack of conscience by the media--anything for ratings and, ergo, money. I consider myself to be open and liberal when it comes to entertainment, but aggrandizing a real-life murderer and his clueless, bimbo sister is where I, personally, would draw the line.
So she's got money and she's living in the lap of Luxury...She's one of the most hard working women I've even known and the fact is that she's living her own life. Regardless of where all the money came from she's working hard to make her own money. She works like 2 or 3 jobs and she's trying to raise 3 boys by herself. And she is definitly NOT raising 3 future murderers/gangsters. Her sons are some of the smartest kids in NY and they don't wanna grow up to do what their uncle and grandfather were involved in. If you stop critisizing the show for one minute and read up on them, you'd know that. There's allot u ppl don't know b/c your busy writing about how much u hate the show yet u are some of the very ppl who will be tuned in next week to see what happens so you can talk about it some more. The bottom line is...if you hate the show then don't watch it, b/c I know for a fact their is more to Victoria and her family than you'll ever know!
you have no idea what your talking about !!
wow - badster.. you have no idea what your talking about .. if you read what princepessaitaliana05 wrote back shes completely correct .. if you think you know so much about the show & victoria & her "gangster" sons .. i bet you didnt know they're all honor roll students - - and obviously if they wanted to be "future killers/gangsters/thieves/extortionists/thugs" i don't think they would try to get good grades in school ... and what is there to be offended by in this show?? how is it offending you? exaclty .. its NOT! this show is about a italian family that just has more recognizion than others because mostly of John Gotti [Victoria's Father] .. so yeah do you know how many other italian american families there are out there?? and i bet you theres a lot worse out there .. you just dont hear about them because they're not "GOTTI'S" - - yeah whatever .. before you start dissing it maybe you should do some research on who your badmouthing :wink:
Ok i so0o0o0o0o0o agree
I tottaly agree wif CARMiNES_GiRL<3.....dont diss sumtin u kno nuttin about...but i dun kno y im postin a reply dis **** is wayyyy olddd lol i posted a reply a bit late.....LoL newayz yea dats all i wann 8-)ed to say... byesss pPL....n HEY SUZAN!

My personal Gotti Opinion and a Message to Victoria
To Be Honest with all of you I am appalled at this type of reality TV - I constantly hear about the wholesome horrors of "raising 3 boys on my own"
. I come from a well known Italian Family who along with 3 other brothers were raised by our Mother and although we had our family up-rises neither of us ever treated our Mother - Friends / Family with disrespect. The Gotti's are all great looking kids with a bright future and the world at their feet and they continue to stomp on it every opportunity they get - I can honestly say if their grandfather (John Gotti) was still alive none of those boys would be acting like wanna-be thugs. Although this is just my opinion I do have a lot of past memories in all the areas Victoria is currently experiencing.
I watched the show occasionally Up until the program, which aired on 12-13 where Victoria and her kids were to do some publicity Christmas introduction singing came on, I was so aggravated at the way the three boys treated their Mother and how they embarrassed them selves by arguing and back talking, that I had to walk away - during the time I watched it (which was short) I was hoping that one of them would step up to the plate and be more mature and just lead the pack sort of speak and get the ordeal done and over with.
It just seems to me neither one of the boys wants to grow up - I was in the same position at their age - I was the 2nd of 4 boys and always looked to my older brother for guidance - after a few years of following in his footsteps I realized we were going no where - I immediately took charge of the situation at hand and before I knew it my brothers were following my lead - being more responsible with their lives and decisions. Acting more respectful and mature around guests and family members - It's a shame that a women of Victoria's statute has to put up with this kind of disrespect especially from her own boys.
I am not saying it isn't difficult raising three boys - but her boys are well old enough to understand what respect - means especially to their own mother. Its pretty obvious although John Gotti was their Grandfather they are not to well in tune on the Gentlemen he was - I keep seeing articles about how the boys are doing great in school and honor roll students etc
I hope and pray that these boys are achieving these goals respectfully and not being passed through the system because of their family history and name - then again I hope and pray all the hoopla I see on the shows is Hollywood blow up rather than reality.
To Victoria siete un donna fine -
i actually like the show though i do find it some what upsetting the Victoria lets her children walk all over her. And the point that bothers me the most is that everyone regards their Mafia grandfather as a great man. He killed many innocent people and many children grew up parentless as effect from him. Besides that i find the show amusing, and fun to watch
I watched it once when the son was flipping out about someone using his gel and that did it for me. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's spoiled brats.
I finally watched more than half of an episode over the holidays. It's damn funny. I wouldn't want it to be my life, but it's funny, especially when I realize how real it is. I look around my neighbourhood and acquaintances, and other than the accent and the $$, there really are quite a few families like this around.
Those kids of hers are honor-roll students? I guess they just behave like morons when they're on TV...
What amuses me are the situations that come up that seem to inevitably lead to craziness. I have to wonder if these people actually live like this or the events are created just to provoke mayhem...
The daughter of a friend of mine just married into a family that seems like the conservative Jewish version of the Gotti's. I got a kick out of the show where Victoria was having a meal with her brother and he complained that so much of what her sons said had to be given subtitles.
Hottie Gotti
Okay uh..... the Gottis are so hot!! Yea they're spoiled brats.....Yea they talk bad to their mom. But... Oooh... F-I-N-E!! Thank you Ms. Victoria Gotti for having the finest boys in the world!!
Well, whatever. As long as I don't have to live next door to them...
"real Italians"
As I was watching the sopranos the other day, I remember wondering how much of it is understood by non-Italians. Living in Minnesota, I don't have a strong cultural sense of being Italian, but the Sopranos addresses issues that make me aware of why I am who I am. For instance, I have vague negative impressions of southern Italy and Sicily in particular. This is odd, since I don't know anyone from Italy, period. I learned the history of that from the Sopranos, and can only conclude it traveled, unspoken, through 3 generations.
I see body language and facial expressions that I repond to on a gut level, and I am totally familiar with why people are reacting the way they are. Tony Soprano is a very comfortable character to me, reacting to everything in the same predictible way I see my father behave. The violence is a whole new level, but the code of honor is exactly the same.
Does the general public truly understand the Christopher Columbus issue? The strange relationships with the irish? The distrust between northern and southern Italy? They show a wide variety of Italian-Americans and there are still common threads. It's in these issues that I really think the show excels. It examines how individuals may be raised with very stong values that they may not be able to completely escape as they meld into American Society. Because, ultimately, Tony Soprano wants to do right.