Thu 31 Dec, 2015 09:33 am
Hello. We were told that we need a 30/60 amp, I guess, quad breaker? I am not sure what it is actually called but the one we have currently has two 30s in the middle and then two 30s on the outside with a pole rail. I have called a couple places already and the biggest I can find is a 30/50... It is for our furnace. The way our box is set up is the dryer (for some reason) is on the same quad breaker as the furnace. Then there is another 30 amp breaker for the furnace on the other side in the box. Could we just separate the furnace/dryer and do a single 60 amp for the furnace and a 30 amp for the dryer? Thanks.
Disregard this post. I tried to delete but it gave me an error. We actually just need a 30/30.

I did not hear the guy right.