Most of the members are advanced in years and really none of us knows how long we might have. Some members are still nursing grudges about discussions that occurred 10 or more years ago. Personally I though CI asked an interesting question, I tried narrowing down ‘unexpected accomplishments’ , and I don’t know where to start. Then again, when I was a young girl, I had very narrow expectations of what could be accomplished by women. When I first joined DOD women couldn’t take overseas assignments...the reason given was there were no ladies rooms at the sites. Women in the military were discharged if they were pregnant, then they were allowed to remain until the baby was born. I remember asking a Gunny if the marines had maternity uniforms and the whole office erupted in laughter at the absurdity of my question.
I’m not trying make a ‘feminist’ point, that was just how things were at the time. But when the draft ended, there were fewer qualified military available to fill the Security Service positions. That’s when the agency began hiring more women with language, math, analysis and other skills. Women began filling positions that were traditionally held by men..........that opened the door to opportunities many of us never thought possible. Anyhow, I found it very interesting.