No. IMO either in the exact same circumstances you are able to do otherwise or you don't. Thus having absolute knowledge of the future necessarily entails no one could do otherwise not even "god" itself. Moreover, the classical personal description of "god", a being with a mind cannot correspond to the "ground of all Being"...as I pointed out earlier a mind is a problem-solving machine even when you think it is not, all decisions are troubleshooting of what is best to do. Worse a finite one, with limited "computing" power and limited storage space. It tries to guestimate the future within its capacity in such a way that is beneficial for the individual. That is what you call "free will" without accounting for trillions of subconscious processes, the background/environment/circumstances, the hardware specificity/genetics.
...but there is more yet. If "god" is the most perfect being and can do no wrong, "god" can only bring into being the most perfect thing at a time, all in a sequence of the most perfect correlation of events, not causal events, but again correlated, since "god" is also the base source of Logic, not deriving from it. "god" is the cause without cause, the Logic without justification, but not free in any scenario. what it/"he" does, it must do! Again I ask you, how can your "god" be a mind? The biggest thing that no bigger can be thought off...that entails immediately, the set of "god" and the Universe all in one. We are now talking of Spinoza/Einstein God, not Anselm. Not free, not a mind, just the ground of all being! More akin to a timeless huge mathematical rock than a thinking living mind. I cannot for the life of me have such a simple-minded vision of "god" as you guys do. Perhaps my theology suffers from too much sophistication...