Thu 5 Aug, 2004 05:43 am
Can anyone please tell me the American name for self-raising flour and also, what you call plain flour.
I know you have all-purpose flour but I'm not sure which one it equates to and by what name you call the other one.
Who are you cooking for ?
All-purpose is a blend of soft and hard wheat flour, but is not 'self-rising'. What we call 'self-rising' flour here includes the addition of baking soda and sometimes baking powder to an all-purpose flour. Phoenix's links regarding the differences between cake flour and bread flour are really good.
Personally, I find self-rising flour useless. My pantry always has: All-purpose flour, cake flour, whole wheat flour, rye flour, plus a healthy supply of baking powder and baking soda.
Thank you, everyone, that is except you, Gautam. You're as nosy as I am!
It's for my book and the UK version mentions that cooks have to know the difference between plain and self-raising flour.
I'm now writing the USA version and so I might say they have to know the difference between all-purpose and cake flour. It's not a cookery book so I don't go into any details.
While I'm here, have you Americans heard of Jam Tarts? I mention them and don't want to confuse people.
Jam mean those aging hookers who used to be Mods?

I'm Canadian, we know what they are.