Sun 1 Aug, 2004 02:02 am
Hi, can anyone help me with the following please, or at least advise if it can be done at all and where I might find help?
I have a static HTML page, and a second HTML page with Javascript that changes the attributes of the first page (eg background image).
I have a standalone VBScript (Windows Script, ie not embedded in a web page) that I would like to be able to access the name of the current background image.
I am running this on my own computer, no network, no server, no local server either - just static HTML and VBScript.
I just need to get the background image name into the VBScript as a variable somehow, don't care how. Noting that the VBScript can't simply read the HTML file on the disk as the Javascript has updated the browser page at run time.
Any ideas?
I know this scenario doesn't make much sense, but I have a grander project to solve and this is the easiest way for me to explain. Thanks.
Hmm, odd one. I think you may need to have it plug in to the browser as a BHO, but am not sure.
Thanks for that, at least it gives me something to follow up
I've asked a few others around the place too, will post any reply I get here just on the off chance someone else might be interested.