what exactly is the message?
Foxfyre wrote:It wasn't the content of the letter itself that intrigued me, but the whole concept of equally important but the concept different biological/spiritual roles for men and women.
Now considering how badly Debra interpreted what I said, we can put her down as one of those 'evil' feminists the Pope (or Cardinal) was warning us about.
It's always interesting to me, however, to see if people can deal with the content or intent of a message and separate that from the messenger.
What exactly is the message? Is the message that women and men are biologically different? I accept that not simply as a "message" but as an irrefutable fact.
What is the message? Is the message that the biological differences between men and women require them to live their lives within the confines of "traditional" gender roles and in accordance with the "proper structure of things?" (Who, by the way, determines the "proper structure of things?")
What is the message? Is the message that women are less intelligent and physically weaker than men, so women should stay home and have babies and leave the intricacies of the world in the more capable hands of men?
What exactly is the message?
And what are you suggesting when you chastise and ridicule a person's inability to separate the message from the messenger? Is that along the same lines of, "don't look at me, I'm just the messenger?"
Frankly, you're the one who presented the Pope as the "messenger." But the Pope is NOT a mere messenger. He is not a simple delivery boy riding his bike along neighborhood streets and throwing newspapers upon people's doorsteps without any responsibility for the content of those newspapers. Again, the Pope is not a mere messenger.
According to the article you presented, the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church want to get tough on gender issues. The Pope wants women to stay at home, have babies, and remained chained to traditional gender roles. The Pope and the Church have announced that couples who do not focus on "creating life" are selfish. Damn those women who "choose" to work in order to provide their existing families with a better life--they should be home having babies (regardless of their ability to support them).
The Pope is not a mere messenger. He creates the policy of the Church, advocates that policy, and expects his Roman Catholic flock to blindly adhere to that policy regardless of how out-dated or unreasonable it might be in these modern times.