Sun 8 Nov, 2015 09:52 am
Lots of folks are talking about how Trump bombed. The real story, though, is how ruthlessly the SNL writers mocked him at every turn, and he stood there and took it.
They called him a racist, and got away with it. (More than once, I might add.)
They gave a voice to the protesters, and got away with it.
They mocked a Trump presidency, and got away with it.
They mocked his "mean tweets," and got away with it.
At every turn, they mocked and derided him, and I'm not sure he even noticed.
Did Trump seek to be on SNL?
I had a friend who was invited to appear on Bill Oreilly on the issue of " technology and the use of drones". When it was all over, the guest was clipped and edited almost out of existence and, when it was all over, my friend, the invitee said that he shouldq known better with the mix of the show and its intended demogrqphic.
SNL , IMHO panders to folks who mostly dont even vote. Ive grown too impatient with SNL ever since the departure of Chris Rock.