Deja Vu???

Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 04:59 pm
I have recently heard a new theory abot deja vu and i was curios to know what you all think of it. I heard that deja vu is what happens when your brain needs to send a signal more than once. For example, if you see a certain chain of events real fast, but your brain fails to send the signal all the way for some reason, so it sends it again, but it's already in your memory so you recognize what is happening. But for this to happen, does that mean people can unconsciously access the dimension of time and go back to see what their brain missed before?
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Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 05:06 pm
i have a theory about something that is not exactley de ja vu but is akin to it. sometimes your talking to someone and then your thinking about something, and you say something and he says that he was thinking about the exact same thing. how can this happen? a similiar situation happens in dreams when you make up a whole dream to explain the alarm clock as at rain or something like that. you think very fast, but your not concious of it. neouroloigsts say that the brain actually gets signals of things very quite late, but you think that they happened earlier, that is, you think that you were concious of them when they happened, even though you weren't. this gives you a short time in which you can get information and make up as if you thought it.
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Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 05:45 pm
[q]But for this to happen, does that mean people can unconsciously access the dimension of time and go back to see what their brain missed before?[/q]

Hypnotist can make people remember things that they find hard to remember consciously, they can even modify the state of the past so that certain things seems clearer (e.g. make words seems brighter).
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Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 05:52 pm
I believe that deja vu is genetic trace memory...not of course an original thought.....I also used to do a LOT of acid so......
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Party Time
Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 05:54 pm
Check out this experiment, these results have been duplicated by other scientists, the implications are profound.

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Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 05:57 pm
I read the other day that deja vu only happens when one is tired and that the short term and the long term memory are both activated at the same time.
so the short term interprets what's happening as long term.
there is also another phrase for an exact opposite of it. I think it was jamais de vu.
It is where you completely blank out so nothing is registering. What you are reading is just a bunch of patterns on a page and it means nothing.
that's when the short and long term both cut out for a few moments.
this happens when one is tired too.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 06:04 pm
Well, well, well. Stick around A2K long enough...and you will learn something important.

About 30 years ago...I had a seizure of some kind...a blacking out that was not a typical fainting spell. it happened at work...and I was taken to the hospital and carefully checked over by several doctors. EEG's were done...all of which were negative.

About once each year (perhaps slightly less than once a year) since then...I've had a similar episode.

On several of those occasions...I was ckecked out thoroughly by neurologists...all inconclusive as to cause.

Before each one of these episodes...which seldom last more than 30 seconds or so....I've experience a significant feeling of deja vu. Something in the envioronment...something I'm doing...something I hearing or seeing...is reminding me of something in the past...but with the qualities of a deja vu experience.

Each time I've told a doctor about one of these things...I've mentioned the fact that the episode was preceeded by a deja vu experience...and in fact, it is the deja vu experience that allows me to get into a safe position prior to blacking out. I had an episode begin while driving my car one time...and had plenty of time (a minute) to pull over before actually blacking out.

Never has any doctor who has seen me about this ever mentioned that an episode of deja vu is associated with an epileptic seizure...despite the fact that I've always have mentioned the deja vu and explained that the episode reminds me of what epileptics say about their seizures. I even talk about an "aura" that occurs at about the same time as the deja vu thingy.

Now here...tcis offers this link.


Thanks for the link, tcis.
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Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 06:11 pm
Yes, Frank. I think it has to do with the temporal lobe.
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Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 06:24 pm
Well, my experiences mostly fell within the age span statistics. I used to get them a lot during prepubescence all the way up to my early tewnties. I haven't had an episode in many, many years.

Also, I don't subscribe to the attribution by several psychoanalysts that déjà vu is simple fantasy or wish fulfillment. All of my experiences with déjà vu had been about very, very incosequential, ordinary, mundane, prosaic experiences.
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Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 08:44 pm
InfraBlue, my deja vu experiences also seem to be psychologically trivial. I seem to be taking images, smells and other sensations from one unconsciously recollected scene and conjoining them with sensations of other scenes and constructing a total image that matches one I am "realistically" experiencing at the moment of deja vu. At least that's how it seems.
Frank, I'm glad you take your cues to a blackout seriously so that you can prepare for them. Do quit the mountain climbing and sky diving.
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Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 11:20 pm
Lets say for a moment that we do not live in a space time continuum. Lets say we live in a space time energy continuum. Energy is everywhere both making up matter and existing outside of matter. Energy makes up our cells, our brain, our neural pathways, as well as every planet, every atom, and every star. If so then the ability for minds to tap into this energy continuum could explain many unknowns, like Uri Gellar, Jesus, Moses, Nostradamus, I am sure there are others. If the normal evolution of our species a billion years from now is for our existence to become more in tune with this continuum then it is likely that all of us or many of us at least could in some degree or another have the ability to tap into the space time energy continuum. People who are better in tune with this ability could in theory see things others cannot see and even move things without touching them.

If the above is theoretically possible then it would make sense that a mind at rest uncluttered with stimuli from the 5 senses could unknowingly tap into parts of the continuums that they were not otherwise evolved enough yet to willingly do. I see déjà vu coming from our dreams. Not every dream mind you but some of them. Some small percentage of our dreams when our mind is in the right state and other biochemical or electrical processes of the body are in the right state maybe we can dream and see our own future. Sometimes so vividly that when the real moment passes it hits us and we vaguely recall the dream that we otherwise would have never had reason to remember.

The other option is that there is no tapping into the continuum and just the nature of the fact that we dream for 5-8+ hours a night and remember so very little of it that we are bound from time to time to encounter situations in our everyday life that vaguely resemble a dream we may have had.

I have had déjà vu that was so vivid that everything about the moment seemed familiar. I have others that were vague feelings of familiarity but when you get hit with a full-fledged déjà vu it is weird beyond weird.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2004 08:43 am
JLNobody wrote:
Frank, I'm glad you take your cues to a blackout seriously so that you can prepare for them. Do quit the mountain climbing and sky diving.

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Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2004 10:47 am
I have heard De Ja Vu as explained this way:

The mind has a sort of time stamp that allows it to know when it is seeing memories (past) or thinking of something that may happen (future) or seeing things presently (Present).

So when we take in data the mind is essentially allowing it to be tagged as present - and when we later think of what we did it brings it up as a past event.

De Ja Vu is when our mind makes a simple time stamp error and stamps present obsevations with a past time stamp - thus confusing itself. It seems this item as both present AND past and thus giving us a creepy feeling that typifies Dejavu.

Now then, this is different from when some say that they experience something and say that they had a dream about it but did not remember that dream until they experienced the simlar live event. This, to me, is not dejavu but actually prognostication.

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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2004 11:05 am
nipok wrote:
If so then the ability for minds to tap into this energy continuum could explain many unknowns, like Uri Gellar, Jesus, Moses, Nostradamus, I am sure there are others.

Uri Gellar does parlor tricks...and he is not especially good at that.
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Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2004 01:57 pm
Frank, petit mal seizures are often preceded by the smell of roses or in some case, violets. Ever have that sensation? I had several students who suffered from petit mal as well as grand mal epilepsy. It's very scary, especially if one has never been diagnosed. There are lots of tenuous explanations for the phenomenom. I prefer to think one thing, but believe another.

My goodness, JL. How very interesting. I've had the same situation when looking at certain men.

Now here's a REAL deja vu experience. My caddy seville is doing the same thing that it did in the past. It's quit running. Evil or Very Mad

Many good responses here, and I've considered each one, even the scientific explanations, but this thread has happened before.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2004 02:55 pm
Letty wrote:
Frank, petit mal seizures are often preceded by the smell of roses or in some case, violets. Ever have that sensation?

Nope...just the deja vu.

How ya been, Letty? :wink:
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Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2004 03:06 pm
Well, buddy. Considering the wrath of the ill winds, not bad. Glad to see you back again, tatoo and all. See what happened? The minute that you went to Abuzz, the damn site closed down. Razz
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2004 04:53 pm
Letty wrote:
Well, buddy. Considering the wrath of the ill winds, not bad. Glad to see you back again, tatoo and all. See what happened? The minute that you went to Abuzz, the damn site closed down. Razz

One of the saddest events I've ever lived through. I loved the place (just as I love this one)...and was convinced it would never drown. But there were some very intent trolls over there who never relented one bit...until the place just died.

Hey...I hope a lesson was learned that we can use here...to be sure it doesn't happen to A2K.
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Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2004 05:47 pm
Frank, often the strangest events put the most unlikely folks together. I am just one person in a dynamic world. Believe it, Frank. Regardless of our religious persuasions, we still have a common bond, and that is the need to be understood. I search every minute for an answer that has no question.

We go back a long way, my friend. This woman here, will not likely meet the challenge of tomorrow, but at least we can say that we hang in and try to make some meaning of the world. I once told C. I. that I would never apologize for my faith, and that still holds true.

"...and in between, there's me; there's you." (and, of course, deja vu)
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2004 06:38 pm
Right on, ole friend!
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