Tue 27 Jul, 2004 03:18 pm
The hotteset band in the world........KISS!!!!
With Poison...their lighting director and I used to be roomates....All Access pass baby!!!!!! This will be a fun night......
Take me to the firehouse...
When's this epic moment gonna be, Bear?
Oh, how much cooler does it get :-D
What a great night...they were great....I was in the production booth so I had the best seat in the house
They were smoking.....good times...
They were in Boston this month (well, Foxboro) and I turned down free tickets. But here's why: I had asked for concert tickets in June to use as a fundraiser. The arena offered tickets to shows in June, July and August. I chose the August show so that I would have more time to raffle off the tickets.
Kiss was my fave in 76, but I never got into Poison.
I missed much of the 80s music scene, replacing music with Sesame Street and stuff.