Linkat, how do you feel about Cosmopolitan, the Miss America pagent, Barbie, and Hollywood? They perpetuate the same stereotype. Just curious, since these are far more prominant in our society than Hooters restaurant is.
I agree that the all promote the same stereotype and that is what I mean when I say I agree with D'artagnan that Hooters in no less than what is seen elsewhere and when I state such places like Hooters or anywhere or anything that promotes a certain appearance. All those things you mention fit into this and you are exactly right that these are more prominent. I just place Hooters as another example of this.
I guess I am just concerned as I have young girls and worry (because that is what moms do best) about the effect all these superficial things could have on my children. For the most part, I have always been leveled headed and though I keep myself in shape because I like to be healthy, I have never been one to be over concerned that I look "perfect". I would like to add, I did go to Hooters when I was single and could really care less, personally it did not bother me, but now as a mom, I have a different perspective.
I can respect that.
My outlook is if you don't like it don't go there, right? I have some of the same opinions you do except I don't put so much empasis on the effect on young girls. Most young girls are not exposed to Hooters Girls enough to make an impact, IMO.
I think that it is jsut another place to eat. I mean i wouldn't mind spending a little more on a burger if i knew there would be a lot of hot chicks there.