Long story short, convincing my family to seek a lawyer has been a real struggle that I've dealing with for a very long time. The more I voice out my concern, they think I'm over thinking or mentally ill from worrying about my neighbour. My neighbour have done some stuff in the past which forced us to install cctv cameras on my uncle's property. They have successfully gotten away with their petty revenge of littering cigarettes, picking fruits from our tree in the backyard, blocking driveway by parking horizontally and there was a time when poop/mud was smeared on the front door when the cctv was off at night (red led light turn off). I feel really frustrated of my uncle personality of letting go and telling me to let it go/ignore them (bad mouthing, mocking, taunt). He never bother reporting or keeping evidence or have the intention to sue them. I really hate his easy going personality of letting people take advantage of him. Letting go and forgiveness is like his life motto.
The cctv did not repell trouble but attract more since my neighbor got paranoid and limit their behaviour/action. We said we were gonna make the cam record audio which lead them to badmouth at us day/night next door in their home. I can overhear it sometime. I'm just a student but the stubbornness of my family members is really making frustrated and affected the motivation on my focusing on school since no one listen or believe me. I know i cant really do much on my own. There's been tension from last summer until January when everything fell apart. On January 21st, my neighbor dash toward the garbag bin and took a picture of it late at night. Why? Because my uncle mixed up recycling and garbage dates. He was also colour blind at night because the navy blue (recycle) and black (garbage) bin look similar at night. He thought it was garage pick up day. Apparently, I found out later viewing from the cctv that you can get fine over it or summon to court for "dumping". My uncle doesn't belive me. Think it's not a problem since the garbage truck just ignore it. To go to such extend shows how much they hate us. I'm really warn out from trying to protect the property from any more damage. My cctv cam can't record 24/7 and I don't know when they will try to attack again. Living beside such people who are desperate enough to bring you down just worn me out.
It really sadden me that my uncle finish paying off his house mortage and have putting his heart into renovation just to watch it get taken away or destroy by them (again) sooner or later. My neighbour kids have been using a basketball to play soccer which hit my uncle car before. At that time, our cctv were like dummy cameras. Whether it was intentional or not they know it better themselves. I've watched a video on YouTube with a similar situation of a kid trying to dent his neighbour's car while his dad comes to the rescue and pretend to be playing with him. There's a park less than 5 minutes away from our home. Lately, I've been receiving mail/ad from christian churches. I believe they know my family current situation better than the rest of my family members know themselves. It's GAME OVER as my neighbour next door proclaim through the adjoining walls.
Believe it or not, I had a dream before about my house burning down by (them) and they took away the ladder as we try to escape through the living windows carrying our piggy banks. Now, it will soon become a reality. In the end I couldn't protect my family or the property from them. I don't know what's worse: losing money or going to jail. Read some articles about someone won 500k+ over barking dogs and a pianist possibly facing 7 years in jail for noise pollution. I will feel sorry of getting my grandpa involve or arrested or eviction. Since I read somewhere they arrest everyone living under the residence over noise Me and my mom are just renting.
My family think they know much but they are really niave. They only know about basic crime like murder, stealing, litter, parking and etc. With this opportunity, my neighbor attitude has gotten really cocky and are not afraid of petty crimes ex: littering or afraid of the cctv. I sometime wish my country has cctv in every street light like in S. Korea which is connected to the police station. It would of greatly saved me time and money of ever rewatching the cctv footage.
If anything ever happens, you guys will surely find out about this case on the news or Google. We live in Toronto~ I can't stand watching them continue be fish on a plate. But I can't do much but pray. I don't know if they have enough money to hire a lawyer. Basically, my uncle dug our own grave.
PERFECT QUOTE: to describe the whole situation,
"No one has power over you unless you give it to them, you are in control of your life & your choices decide your own fate".
My uncle gave them power over us.