Religion grew organically, it wasn't sprung on mankind in a NY Times headline.
Proof that there is life elsewhere than on earth might, of course, have a profound effect on mankind. I'm simply opining that I seriously doubt it will.
For instance I don't think any of the major religions are going to have to make serious alterations to their doctrine.
Governments are not likely to make serious alterations to their national or foreign policies because, as has been discussed, the aliens that would be responsible for this structure would hardly be on our doorstep. Of course, they could be if in addition to mastering this level of engineering, they found a way to travel faster than light, but to the extent that is even possible the engineering required is probably far beyond what is required to mine a star: Someone, whose name escapes me, has posited that a wormhole could be created by building two spheres (the nature which I can't explain) roughly the size of the sun; precisely one atom's distance apart from each other. And this might simply create a wormhole. Who knows what would happen to a being that enters one.
For a time America was protected by oceans, but that protection has disappeared. It may be that the protection we think the vastness of space provides us is as illusory, but for now I think world leaders, advised by scientists, will buy into it.
There is a general consensus among scientists about the ill effects of Climate Change and while the most dire effects are, at worse, 85 years and more likely centuries away, world leaders aren't flocking to a global solution. If they can't all get on board to reach a global plan to address a environmental disaster that most of them will probably tell you they buy into, what chance is there that there will be any meaningful cooperation to do really anything about a possible threat 1,500 light years away?
I do think people around the world will be very excited about the news and join clubs and buy t-shirts. Sure, some of them will have a life changing reaction, but no where near enough that we will see it globally.
If this thing turns out to be the real deal, I hope I'm wrong, but I see no reason to believe I will be.
Of course that shouldn't detract from our excitement about it.