What matters though is what we see now because those are the EM Waves which are arriving at Earth today. So if we're seeing a Class II Civ, then we would also expect to be receiving Class II Civ level signals. That of course assumes that a Class II Civ even uses EM as a communications system any more. And even if they do, I'm not sure if we would be able to make any sense of it. It might be some type of dimensionally folded quantum packet stream or something and we wouldn't even have a theory to translate it,
Also, (c) works for us as well. Im assuming as they were a class II or III, their EM effluvia would have been in transit for maybe a few K years before we detected their own energy network.There are several levels of forensics that we employ to let us "eavesdrop" on emerging life. All depend on the limits of (c) and our own abilities to detect and decipher these tiny changes of a planets signal, (like emission of spectral signals that detect methane and some enzymes , or even components of nucleic acids.
I find that even bigger limitations are our own abilities to "detect" all this evidence and
"How long will it take us to focus on an entire span of the whole "sphere" of the surronding universe as it talks back to us??". As we scan further out, we seem to be scanning at ever and ever finer focus .Were actually learning more and more about less and less area. At this rate, itll take us a coupla thousand years to get a good idea of even whats out there
I recall that, when they "ganged up" the radio telescopes at Greenbank W Va into "interferometry machines", we then quickly began to increase our signal inputs by orders of magnitude because we began "hearing" changes in the sounds of the universe in a sort of audio "3-D". We are now only going back to some of those early interferometer "Hits" with more advanced scanners and tools mounted on deeper space telescopes and sensors.
We are making our own transition to becoming a classII. Once we reland on the moon and begin exploiting the Helium in store and using microwave to transmit energy , we will have made the early steps of our own growth.
I like your ideas of being allowed, by virtue of our own detector abilities, to peek in at the effluvia of some advanced civilization to garner up some scaps of advanced science. Thats how the Germans made a leap in liquid fuel rocket technology and got the very idea for multi stage rockets. They searched the trash of patent applications by a New England professor who was experimenting with liquid fuel rocket engines 20 years before Penemunde exploited the idea. Imagine what we could learn from spectra of some class II or III's microwave "packet' or chemical fingerprints as they exploit a solar system. They may be using an unknown type of signalling but Im sure the chemistry will remain the same and we are smart enough to decipher what a continuing spectrum of methane and dichlorethane versus one of pulses of alinine and guanine will mean.