well my brother man i feel that guilt too
but im neither catholic nor italian
i have heard many stories of this catholic guilt and going to hell stuff
recently ive been going through all this myself and im really sick of all these negative feelings in me and im saying screw em
im gonna feel good if it damn well kills me
at the moment if i feel guilty for anything like for instance lying in bed for hours when i could get up or jerking off over pornography on the net
then i make myself conciously force myself to enjoy it
ive studied hundres of books on this... spiritual and otherwise
and really our biggest killer is our own negativity
honestly the best thing ive found at the moment is going out for a walk into the countryside with a friend or friends and doing things like admiring the beauty of the sky, of the clouds, of the rolling hills n all that ( not trying to sound too hippified) and concentrating on growing those feelings of positivity
man i got so down and depressed at points in the past i never wanted to leave the house again
im seeing though thats its all a creation of my mind due to this negative conditioning me, you and thousands others receive when we are growing up
i found a power in re-programming myself from negative to positive
all emotions are transient they come they go
dont give in to the darkside and all that
you dont have to go around shouting halleluiah and i feel the light or over do it but i think the best it to see the simple joy of being alive and to go out of your way to prove that to yourself
i dont know what else to say really
we can either accept negativity and live in hell
or we can embrace positivity thru concious effort an make our lives better
i did honestly
do this and it works
theres always a reason to be sad or negative and there is always a reason to be happy or positive
so i say make it positive for yourself
so once again i say refuse to believe the negativity and the power will be yours
its too easy to give in to darkness so make an effort and stop it
its working for me
and im not saying here im some perfect being
its that id rather be happy than not
also i noticed all these vices i was into.. drugs and all
were stealing my energy and now i have stopped them ive so much more energy to do things i want to do like go travelling and make new friends in life and in cyberspace
kicky this post/thread shows me you got a human side other than that blunt hard image that also comes with you that i first saw when i joined a2k so theres more hope for you than most of these people out there
its good to question it all
your far from alone my friend
at the end of the day we are all in this together
for the rest of our lives
peace and love