Fri 1 Dec, 2017 08:04 pm
Who would have thought I'd be spending well in excess of $20 (38GB) a month on watching "pimple popping". I know I lead a shallow life but this is beyond the pale. What is wrong with me?
Never heard of such a thing. Is it television programming, or what?
Google dr pimple popper aka dr sandra lee. Youtube has dozens of video clips, and it seems that several million people have watched them so far.
Gee! I had no idea what I was missing. Thanks.
Forget pimple-popping; that's for sissies. Until you've watched boil-popping, you don't know what you've been missing.
Did you do the google thing?
Well, by golly, the woman does seem to be having fun.
I didn't look up stomach isn't up to the task. Maybe tomorrow after a few cups of coffee.
When I was 19 I dated a girl who was addicted to popping people's pimples. She hated it when I wouldn't let her. She later became a nurse.
Quote:Did you do the google thing?
No. To someone such as me, that would be the equivalent of viewing porn, and I don't do that anymore.
The thought of watching videos of people popping pimples makes me want to fwow up. Are there videos of vomiting, too?
Quote:Are there videos of vomiting, too?
Yes there are. But you have to pay for those. I had to give them up because it was really starting to hurt me financially.