Sat 18 Jun, 2011 07:22 pm
Now I'm going to write a term paper on American Literture and I have decided that I'm going to talk about some "peculiar" addictions that have been mentioned directly or indirectly in some works of American literature. For example, I have found "necrophilia" in William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily. However, I find it is very difficult for me to 0btain other works that have described some "peculiar" addictions. So, if you guys can recommend some works of that sort to me, that will be very helpful. Thank you...
What, exactly, do you consider "peculiar"?
There is "Doors of Perception" and "Confessions of an Opium Eater" but I don't know if drug addiction is peculiar enough.
Lolita certainly addresses.... oh not pedophilia... but whatever the word is for people who are attracted to teenagers.....
I actually once considered Lolita... but you know that is a very long novel...
I think drug addiction is not a kind of 'peculiar' addction from my perspective.
But thank very much, and I will check the works you have recommended. Thx.
Hebephilia refers to the "love" of early adolescents, and ephebophilia refers to the "love" of mid- to late adolescents.
Candery wrote:Now I'm going to write a term paper on American Literture and I have decided that I'm going to talk about some "peculiar" addictions that have been mentioned directly or indirectly in some works of American literature. For example, I have found "necrophilia" in William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily. However, I find it is very difficult for me to 0btain other works that have described some "peculiar" addictions. So, if you guys can recommend some works of that sort to me, that will be very helpful. Thank you...
Do people
need necrophilia with sufficient
desperation to qualify as an addiction? I dunno.
In William Burrough's works some people are addicted to 'Mugwump jissom.'