
what can i say but thank you very much paulaj

your words make my life worth living

im so happy you feel that way

and thanks for your support too drom and timber

it makes the hours i spent posting these pictures more worth it

actually i expected to be berated by a moderator or developer or pheonix or craven for filling their server with bogus pictures and have this thread removed

even chuckster is entitled to his own opinion and to be honest hes right
i had to bend the rules to fit this in here but i couldnt find anywhere else to put this

and i really wanted to share these pictures with people who may not go to the space sites i do and thus never see the beauty of the universe

space and the universe are my favourite thing and i get such a feeling because i know the scale involved and the number of stars and all that in this vastness and it makes me realise the greatness of it all a humbling and awesome experience for me is a feeling like having my chest pulled out when i realise about it all
to be honest i expected many comments like chucksters ... he loves it really.... its just his way of expresing his appreciation

hey timber how come it doesnt say moderator on yer name anymore??
anyway ill post a next batch soon i was just waiting to get a response and to see if it was ok or not for me to do this from someone whos running this site but as ive had no no so to speak ill carry on
next instalment very soon

a few more galaxies and nebulae
then im going to post some atmosphereic phenomena

stay tuned