Here is my opinion. I believe that we have bases on Mars. So seeing Matthew Damon planting potatoes and turnips and hoping for the best is kind of vintage 1960s for the people who remember the moon landings. I have had dreams where we are going to Titan. I believe people like Michael Bara when he says that they screwed up the atmosphere in the Martian. Making it too red. Actually Mars in the Martian looks like Titan Saturn's moon. "Where is my lost shaker and salt," says Jimmy Buffet.
How do we know that you can't totally take off your suit and oxygen mask and run and jog on mars. Matthew Damon is close to doing that in the movie. But I like him better in the Bourne movies.
I was having a conversation with myself the other day about favorite spaceships in movies and the spaceship in the Martian is probably my favorite. The audience doesn't want to be told they are stupid constantly. Look at crap like star wars, independence day, Babylon five. What is more like what we can actually do. Or conceivable within a hundred years. Other science fiction movies the technology is not conceivable in even a thousand years. I see the technology in the Martian looking at least possible a hundred years from now. And that is what the audience wants! Hint hint.
So Hollywood got some things right. And at least you don't see gun fights and people fighting over drugs and cartels and stuff on mars. Pretty peaceful except for the occasional wind storm. I hate how Matthew Damon has better internet connection than me and he is on a different planet with no power source other than a portable generator!
I don't know about the face on mars. Or Michael Bara seeing rats and lawnmower gears and tablets like the ten commandments lying around. Or sourcewatch websites like Sherry Shriner who says that Mars was the base for Lucifer and the fallen angels. Matthew damon luckily didn't have to deal with that. Of course the woman that gets murdered first in the movie aliens vs predator is wearing a christian cross.
My favorite part of the movie is definitely the Abba song.
The nephelim these beings are still here. Matthew damon lost focus with me after his Trump remarks. Seems like all of Hollywood is on mars these days in the wacky sense. I think the Martian was more about going to Titan. And the ship you see in the Martian (as cool as it was) looked like overkill. That is a titan Saturn spaceship.
Haven't seen the Martian in 3D. They have been playing it nonstop on HBO though. That and I am Legend and National Treasure. I wonder if there is a link between those three movies.