Well, after watchin' the video, I have to say:
1). That critter's a sick, mangy, pest-ridden red fox, somewhere between 1 and 2 years old, most likely closer to 2, given what time of year this is and when fox generally throw their litters (typically late winter - early spring)
2.) Those boobs on the video tryin' to track it are neither woodsmen nor hunters ... if that's typical of the calibre of folks tryin' to nab the critter, I can understand why its still at large.
I'm getting a "page cannot be displayed" when I click on that link. I wish I could see that video.
After looking at those last photo's, I agree that it's a fox. I see them all the time and just looking at the shape, size, pointed ears, length of it's tail and even how it sits, I'd swear it's a fox as well.
I am amazed that these people over there are not smart enough to catch the poor thing. The poor thing is obviously suffering.
Found these ... they're about the best shots of the "mystery animal" I could dig up. The links may load slowly, so instead of delaying the pageload for everybody, those inclined to see the pics can click if they wish.
I'm more convinced than ever now that's a pathetic, very diseased, nearly-hairless-from-mange red fox.
For the unsqueamish,
Here's A Link to a webpage showing mange in fox.
I've done a search on this and think I've seen all the photo's available and I agree timber. That looks like a red fox to me.
I think so. As I said, I see them all the time and I'd bet that's what it is.
mmmm, I can't see it, but I don't see foxes very often. From the pix, I can't get a good idea what size it is.
It looks fairly small to me. It's hard to imagine an animal without its fur and it does change the way they look almost completely. I studied the pictures closely and when I saw the one where it's sitting down, I was convinced it was a red fox. You can also see that the little fur it has left is the color of a red fox. The long tail also has me thinking fox.
If you look at the last two photo's in the bunch of links that Timber added, you can pretty much estimate its size by looking at the fence and the tub of water it's drinking from.
Also, if you look at the top photo that Planet Z posted, you'll notice the way it's sitting with it's front legs stretched out a ways in front of it. This is exactly how a fox sits and the length of it's tail for such a small dog has fox written all over it.
Yeah, I know what you mean about the front legs sticking out.
Here's a photo I found of a fox with severe mange. The bottom photo is the same fox after it was treated.
See, foxes seem very frail-looking to me. Very fine legs and neck. This creature doesn't seem dainty.
Glad that little cutie got some help!
This fox is a very young fox, which is why it's so small. I've seen foxes that were a fairly good size and much larger than this one.
I just spent a few hours researching foxes and other animals with mange and if the animal is not rescued and treated, it will either die from the mange itself within 3 or 4 months, or freeze to death, which ever comes first. I wish someone would help the poor thing.
Check out the size of this fox.
It could also be a grey fox. Grey foxes have longer tails than red foxes.
And notice the red fur around its neck.
Here's one of a fox sitting down. This is a young fox, but you get the idea.
Planet_Z wrote:I just saw this story on CNN and they had a video and some new pictures. Still the quality isn't that great.

Compare and you'll see what I mean.