I was merely presenting the intro concept of proton/proton fusion. (Im sure you knew all that). Icould have easily proposed some isotope chemistry or Baryon fusion (up n down quarks). Trust me, the Wikepedia article is good enough for your level.
Seems like youve got your mind made up without any evidence at all.
There are opposing gravittional lensing in the core mantle zone of the sun. It is here that protons/proton fusion forms helium nuclei and lots of energy. Science can actually measure and conduct thermo /reactant balances and it comes to numbers that correlate to the rqdiant energy expressed by the sun every second (something like 600 million cubic tons/sec).
Ive got no dog in the fight about the "electric universe" story. I dont have my career based on the concept that Im gonna have to find some way to explain away the amount of neutrinos per square cm /sec without invoking a phase 1 base of proton/proton fusion.
keep an open mind about all things , fanaticism is when we get hooked on accepting one story without investigating any of the alternatives