@Banana Breath,
Space and time are creations of minds.
Physics is largely based upon five categories of error:
(1) Circular definitions
(2) Contradictory premises
(3) Ill-defined vaguaries that have no truth value because they are ill-defined, just as "booga-booga-booga" cannot be evaluated as either true or false
(4) Infinite regresses
(5) Foundationless arguments
It's all about borders and foundations, and it's hard to find either.
Aside from your example of a Big Bang which has no physical explanation and would lead to an infinite regress even if it did, but which nevertheless purports to be the explanation for all physical phenomena (from an undifferentiated point to the observable universe (at what stage?) without any in-between process -- MAGIC!), there are some obviously flawed fundamentals:
(i) All of modern physics is based on point-set geometry. A point is supposed to be a geometric entity, yet it is said to have zero geometric extension in any dimension. It is a nothing posing as a something, and fits into category (2) above, and probably others.
(ii) The continuous space of physical point-set geometry is based upon real numbers. For example, every physical distance is based upon the concept of an abstract geometric line, and usually modelled as one. The line is said to be composed of geometric points, and each point of the line corresponds to a real number, such that every point in a line corresponds to a unique real number, and every real number corresponds to a unique point in a line.
First, note that a closed line segment of unit length has the end points 0 and 1. If you remove these end points (i.e., consider an open line segment of unit length), the distance from end to end is unchanged. That's because individual points have no magnitude (including length). So they aren't really there, yet they are there; and they can't contribute to the line's length, yet the line, which has length, is composed solely of points.
Second, note that even though one can move along a line, and a line is composed only of points, the set of real numbers isn't well-orderable, hence there is no "next point" after the first point. So you supposedly have definite motion in one direction, but cannot define the order of locations of this movement.
Third, the real number corresponding to each point is an infinite sequence of digits. An infinity is by definition unbounded and unfinished. Yet, because any finite sequence of N digits, for arbitrarily large N, is shared by more than one number of N+1 digits, the only way to distinguish between real numbers is to compare the full infinity of digits of each. That is to say, every real number is defined as a completed infinity. This is a contradiction in terms and fits into category (2).
Note that both of these contradictions occur at extreme ends of the conceptual spectrum: the border of the very small, and the border of the very large.