@Tes yeux noirs,
I always hear it in these "outdoor" survivalist shows with people like "Ber Gryllis" and Jeremy Clarkson. (I just assumed that Clarkson did it for laughs).
Brits usually laugh at malaprops and localisms. Merkins just take notes and use it as fodder against the speaker. In the last few days the US news has been eviscerating poor Gov Perry when he spoke of a "stopped clock being right once a day"
I made the comment that, rememebring that Perry was a mil pilot, he was used to mil clocks (24 hour face). A comment then stated that most Merkins are too dumb to recognize the difference in clock works so the joke was on the Governor(implying he was an elitist). And the comment wasnt by HAwkeye.
Wayne State eh? well, Nebraska has never shown us that it was even born in the US. We suspect that Nebraska was really born in Kenya.