Sat 29 Aug, 2015 05:07 pm
Can I say "You are one of Fortune's 100 best companies for which to work."
You can say it, but it is cumbersome and kind of up-yourself ("hypercorrect") . Why don't you say ""You are one of Fortune's 100 best companies to work for."
@Tes yeux noirs,
I thought a sentence cannot end with "for".
Quote:I thought a sentence cannot end with "for".
That is an archaic rule that does not always apply to modern English.
Oxford Dictionaries says:
(link) :
Quote:Were you taught that a preposition should never be placed at the end of a sentence? There are times when it would be rather awkward to organize a sentence in a way that would avoid doing this, for example:
in some passive expressions:
√ The dress had not even been paid for.
X Paid for the dress had not even been.
√ The match was rained off.
X Rained off was the match.
in relative clauses and questions that include verbs with linked adverbs or prepositions:
√ What did you put that there for?
X For what [reason] did you put that there?
√ They must be convinced of the commitment they are taking on.
X Of the commitment they are taking on they must be convinced.
There’s no necessity to ban prepositions from the end of sentences. Ending a sentence with a preposition is a perfectly natural part of the structure of modern English.