While I would agree everyone lies (most don't do it maliciously which is why they might think they don't do it at all,) I like to think it isn't actually necessary so much as something we're simply used to.
"The Invention of Lying" shows a completely honest world, and for that reason think 100% honesty would never work. But I like to think something in the 90 percent range is possible and practical.
Would assume as with most every other social skill, kids learn to lie from tv mostly.
Think parents SHOULD raise their kids with 'you should never lie.' May hinder a career in business, politics, law, well ok pretty much everything, but people admire honesty and rleated traits even if it makes people a load to be around.
Great episode of Babylon 5 where one of the characters (Londo for reference) is granted permission from his emperor to divorce 2 of his 3 wives (emperor asks him to keep one though for state functions.) One's a hot pornstar sorta woman, the other's older and more a Joan Crawford vamp type, 3rd's very blunt and honest about her utter disdain and dislike and full on hatred of him.
First two wind up being divorced despite many sycophantic attempts at winning the competition, and when the 3rd asks him why he chose her he answers, "With you, I'll always know where I stand."
In a world full of lies and deceit, I've found the best way to stand out (and really piss people off) is to be honest. If everyone else is lying, the honest guy stands out in sharp relief.