msolga wrote:dlowan wrote:We've got some other godddamn noisy carbon disaster, thank you!
Another one?!!!
In the inner suburbs like the $@**& Grand Prix in Melbourne? (Bastards!

Yep. Right on my doorstep, as ever. I mean, I wouldn't mind all that, cos people enjoy it, but the carbon footprint!!!!!!!
margo wrote:msolga wrote:margo wrote:Why did we get Melbourne weather - when they're enjoying the sunshine??? They're used to the crap weather - take it back!
Yup, we got your weather, alright!
I'll gladly return it to its rightful place if you'll agree to take back the
cockroaches that came with it!

Cockies...that's been the only good thing about our crap summer - cockies have been less obvious than usual. Normally, if you live in the inner west here, as I do, cockroaches are just a part of summer. Not many this summer. Not many hot days. I was down at the beach a couple of weeks ago, and it was cold. Not Lil K sort of cold, but too bloody cold and windy to swim! And that was still summer. Whaddya think I go to the beach for - to sit and shiver!!?

I'm giving the weather another chance - going down again at Easter.
Goddam it woman!!! We are in the middle of at least two weeks of above 35 C.
The drought is so bad the trees are dying and the houses are all cracking. We are in the longesrt heatwave since records began. I am not sure if it is the worst drought yet, but it's damn close.
The ancient redgums in the Flinders Ranges are dying.....and cannot replace themselves, because the drought is killing all the saplings.
The Murray is so bad by the time it reaches us that we can mine salt from it. What there is of it. Seriously, I use it for cooking.
My whole state looks to become unviable within the next 50 years if the worst climate change models are true....(so far, it is going WORSE than the worst predictions)
Come on over here if you want heat. Enjoy the coast while it is stinking hot, and before it moves inland and drowns half the beachside suburbs.
Believe me, we have SUN. want sun, we have it. And our beaches are lovely.