msolga wrote:dlowan wrote:Goddam it woman!!! We are in the middle of at least two weeks of above 35 C.
The drought is so bad the trees are dying and the houses are all cracking. We are in the longesrt heatwave since records began. I am not sure if it is the worst drought yet, but it's damn close.
The ancient redgums in the Flinders Ranges are dying.....and cannot replace themselves, because the drought is killing all the saplings.
The Murray is so bad by the time it reaches us that we can mine salt from it. What there is of it. Seriously, I use it for cooking.
My whole state looks to become unviable within the next 50 years if the worst climate change models are true....(so far, it is going WORSE than the worst predictions)
Yes, I've become obsessed with weather forecasts of late (for obvious reasons!

), Deb, & SA certainly seems to be copping the worst of it!
My sympathy. It sounds bloody frightful.
Melbourne is one big sauna tonight. (Scorcher again tomorrow. Sigh)
I can only imagaine what Adelaide must be like!

Folk must be going a bit nutsy with it!
Yep...we have it at least until next Wednesday.....then it hopefully goes down to 31.
It's the implications of it being the longest heatwave on record that scare me.
Plus the ridiculous drought.
People seem to be coping ok, though.......these March heatwaves often give us a few days of 42 to 45 degree heat, and THAT gets really tough.
Given that most of the air-conditioners at work are condemned, and won't be replaced until late Autumn, we have people camping out in other people's offices and such, and it is gradually getting hotter and hotter. The buildings are slowly heating up, and we can expect power outages over the next few days, as the heat becomes more extreme.
The whole hospital was blacked out for quite a long time yesterday!!! I assume theatres and ICU etc had back-up power, but not us.
The fires are beginning now.....
margo wrote:that eddication's a wundrus thing, ain't it?
Don't you think I was erudite enough to Debbickle?
I was quoting a classic Australian SONG!!!!