Had a criminal incident here last night, and though I'd convinced myself it was a dream, an identical incident a couple weeks ago.
A resident of the apartments, likely weighs about 400 pounds, looks 50ish, has displayed clinical mental issues in the years I've known of him (talking to himself while walking down the middle of the street, odd over-friendliness or foward (chats you up in such a way the unusualness is apparent,) seems very lonely (likely resulting from super obesity and whatever actual clincal diagnoses he has,) seems to have been masturbating right outside my ground floor apartment bedroom window while saying things like, "I wanna watch you jack off." or "Oh God, this feels so hot." and variations.
The first time it happened a couple weeks or so ago it was the same thing around 2am, hot night so left my bedroom window open (blinds and drapes drawn) and I'd awoken to his voice. Couldn't place the voice at the time as he was whispering (last night he was speaking at normal volumn which is why I recognized his voice,) so I went back to sleep chalking it up to a dream (been here 16+ years so why someone would suddenly take a sexual interest in me was the question hehe.)
I walked out to the security guard as it was happening and had a very awkward exchange with her about it. Rejected the idea of calling the police since it amounts to a peeping tom and assumed they had better more pressing things to do, and honestly didn't wanna spend the next couple hours filing an affivdavit and wanted to crash. She and I walked around but he'd run off (probably got off and took off.) She said she'd mention it to the office and thinkng of our newest manager and er almost religious adherence to the rules, imagine he'll be evicted which would be fine with me. The concern being simply he likely does it at other windows that the good humour man's mine.

Have lots of kids here and this isn'tthe sort of thing we should tolerate, mental illness or not.
What would you guys do? Police? Apt manager? Or, "other?" (thought about "other" as it was happening and calmed myself down, setting down the screwdriver.)
Looking through the legal statutes this morning (it's a hobby) what he did would probably be considered 'sexual misconduct 2nd degree'
"Sexual misconduct, second degree, penalty.
566.095. 1. A person commits the offense of sexual misconduct in the second degree if he or she solicits or requests another person to engage in sexual conduct under circumstances in which he or she knows that such request or solicitation is likely to cause affront or alarm.
2. The offense of sexual misconduct in the second degree is a class C misdemeanor. "
Has happened twice so my tolerance and good humour is used up. And out of an abundance of caution, and concern for little kids who also have ground floor bedroom windows and don't need this kind of experience screwing up their childhoods, something needs to be done.
There's a time and a place to do this sort of thing, and outside neighbor's windows isn't it.