Leadfoot wrote:. . . But no, the vast majority will not look at it closely enough to make a decision one way or another.
Could that be fear of discovering a responsibility towards that God?
Leadfoot wrote:
." . . But no, the vast majority will not look at it closely enough to make a decision one way or another."
Could that be fear of discovering a responsibility towards that God?
Probably true in some cases, but for the vast majority plain old apathy will do the job. If you were looking for someone to spend an eternity with, would apathy be good enough?
What's this responsibility that you keep harping about?
If you came to believe there was a being who was 100% responsible for your very existence, what would you think your responsibilities to that being were?
Remember, we're just hypothesizing here, you don't have to 'get saved' or anything.
There's an argument for the existence of God based on science, mathematics and probability, but you might not find it satisfying for various reasons since it isn't the type of God that is a human shaped bearded white guy in the clouds.
From a scientific cosmological point of view, given a universe billions of years old, and the FACT that biological organisms exist and are made of the same stuff as the universe, we can fairly say that if it wasn't by magic, then the formula for life (compounds that can form in the right sequences, energy conditions, etc.) must have been built into the very fabric of the universe. In cosmology, the shift from the viewpoint that the universe has simply "always been here" to one where there is a single point in time and space where it begins (the Big Bang) argues that there is a moment of creation. Further, until that moment of creation, there were no "heavens" (star fields in space) nor light, no earth, no life, no humans. So without any talk of God, we have creation of the universe, the heavens and later, the stars and with them (let there be) light. And later, the Earth sprouts vegetation, then sea creatures, then land creatures and birds, then humans. And then humans appear, and they alone are "in touch with the infinite," they alone are able to contemplate the infinite, their own origins. Another way to phrase that is that they are in the image of "the infinite." So far, we're in complete agreement between scientific cosmology and Judeo-Christian theology through Genesis 1. Now if you ask the physicist what made the big bang and caused the creation of the universe, it comes down to a singularity, an all-powerful force of unbelievable, unimaginable energy concentrated not in a region, not in a solar system, not in a society, a culture, or a family, but in one single spot. So all-powerful that you couldn't look upon it if it were possible for you to be there, because you and any other matter and all light would by definition be pulled into this singularity. Now this all-powerful singularity has in it the wherewithal to create ALL matter, ALL space, ALL light, ALL elements, ALL life and will do so whenever it is "ready" although by our definitions, time itself didn't come into being until that moment.
How ironic that the only real difference between the scientific cosmological point of view and the Judeo-Christian point of view is what name we give that all-powerful and eternal force.
I wouldn't have any responsibilities to this being seeing as how I didn't have any say in the matter and it is a deistic entity.
Neo is saying that despite the free will that
his being gave us we're still beholden to its commandments. His is a theistic being.
I wouldn't have any responsibilities to this being seeing as how I didn't have any say in the matter and it is a deistic entity.
Neo is saying that despite the free will that his being gave us we're still beholden to its commandments. His is a theistic being.
The only thing you owe upon being aware of your creator is to acknowledge the fact. Even Neo's commandments are satisfied in that if I get what he means.
Pardon me...but why are you trying to figure out what type of God there is when the simple answer would be there is no God. It is a fantasy drawn up long ago to scare people when there were wars. Remember this and learn please because it is important and the truth and nothing but the truth.
Perfect = Good
Perfect = Knows all (including knowing i am typing this)
Perfect = No emotion
God created an imperfect world and could see the imperfection that the future would bring.
*This would mean God is not perfect because he knows what bad is and knew bad would happen thus ruling out God exists*
God created Free Will so we can do what we like and feel what we want.
*This would mean God knew we would feel bad things as well as good things and would always make mistakes. In that sense God knows what bad is and cannot be ruled as perfect or good*
God is an angry enmity who is jealous, loving and cries (so they say when bad things happen)
*This should only mean God is not perfect because perfection requires no emotion as having an emotion means being surprised by something. Yet God is perfect so shouldn't have emotion. Again ruling God out as perfect.
Scientists say 98% of people who are very intelligent with high IQ do not believe in God. So in this respect it is time to be clever and ignore the word "God" because as much as you need to ignore the word "Devil" they both do not exist. Only science exists.
InfraBlue wrote:What's this responsibility that you keep harping about?
Our sins alienate us from God. He set in motion the path to reconciliation. It's not difficult. But it's still our reponnsibility to learn and follow.
Feel better after getting that off your chest? How often do you have to post that screed to prove that superior intellect of yours? ****! How do I even respond to such brilliance! ****! I give up! You win!!!
@Banana Breath,
But Christians also attribute
personality to the 'force'
Instead of "it causes to become", it's "He causes to become".
Just wondering if you are one of the 9% who are stupid friend

God can not exist because you lie. Remember this, we are all imperfect and lie even without thinking. It may well be in your subconscious but you are lying when you say you have seen God and heard him. Lier Lier pants on Fire
Getting what off my chest? I am simply trying to help you understand things. I am trying to undo the stupidness in you to become more clever in this world. There is no superior being, you have wasted your whole life believing in false bibles which has many false readings. Should you cry now it would help your cause to wake up and smell the coffee. Begin a new day and be refreshed that you will not go to hell for being stupid.
I also notice a certain aggression when trying to defend a non existing God. Doesn't religion create wars? I am saddened to say it does. If there were no religion we would all be as one within harmony and respect for each other. More evidence that God does not exist because love is supposed to be perfect and unfortunately aggression is imperfect which cancels out what God is about. So in that minute evidence out of a trillion evidences, proof that God indeed is false and the 9% stupidity truly exists.
Also replying to those commenting on Free Will. There is no such thing as Free Will. We are not free and certainly do not have the kind of willingness to be able to do anything we want without limitations. After all Free Will = Free and the will to do what ever we want without restriction or limitations.
Since this topic is also about God allowing free will in to us remember that the "all knowing God of Almighty Kingdom" knows bad which means he is imperfect. As long you know that you know the answers to this topic. It will be hard for me to make the 9% realise they are wasting time on God but if it takes one person to truly understand the real facts then that is 1 less person we have to worry about that may create a war. After all that 1 person will possibly have sons and daughters which will become millions and billions in the future. So basically if i can help create a more harmonic world then i am a happy chappy.
Yet our entire justice system is based on free will as an axiom.
Go figure.
no such thing as Free Will because Free WIll does not exist. It is an invented word but has many meanings and the meaning of Free Will when referring to God is false because that would make God imperfect..
Interesting that the word "Dog" was invented before the word "God". About 500 years before to be exact. Furthermore Dogs are helpful and there were many stories of Dogs being powerful and even to this day Dogs are helpful.. Wonder who decided to swap the letters when they wanted an even more powerful fantasy. Go figures huh?
I have a fantastic question for anyone who dares speak the truth. Remember now you are all God loving creatures and God hears lies and untruths. Lying will mean you going to hell burning in liquid and molten heat. K...
Q1. What do you fear the most?
Q2. Do you Pray to your non existing God that it never happens to you?
Q3. Do you pray more that bad things don't happen to you than the good things you are grateful for?
Remember i won't know if you speak the truth but this beautiful test will decide your fate when god gets the answers.
Boredom ?
The chairman of your committee is still like the child which indulges in infinite regresses of ' why' questions ! You ask questions about some
thing rather than no
thing but you haven't understood that
thinghood is merely a focus of human attention whose perceived 'permanence' is conveyed by the abstract permanence of the
word we use to contextually to denote it.
In cosmological time scales is 'a rock' a permanent entity ? Of course not.....only relative to human conceptual experience ! Is that recent focus of human attention 'the atom' permanent? I challenge you to find a physicist who would risk making such a claim ! Since findings like wave particle- duality and non-locality, physicists won't even commit themselves to defining the meaning of 'particle' other than as a
functional heuristic device in our attempts to predict and control.
We love thinking in terms of 'causes' but the word has no philosophical basis (Hume).Nor is the concept of cause required to explain the emergence of what we call 'life' since it is known that 'structures' emerge naturally in dynamic system 'far from equilibrium (Prigogine....Chaos Theory).
Still bored ?