Mon 12 Jul, 2004 04:23 pm
Sorry if im being blunt, but im wondering if anyone has anytips for reducing upper body/chest fat? Are there any specific workouts/excersises that you recommend? I run every two days at least 3 miles a day, so my lower body is in shape, but I need to lose some upper body weight.
Any help at all would be appreciated...thanks!
drumbum, Welcome to A2K. Since diets do not work, your only other alternative is excercise. Don't go on diets; more than 90 percent quit diets, and regain more pounds. You need to get your reduction by sweat and strain. Drink plenty of fluids, and eat more vegetable and fruits. Did I say don't go on a diet?
thanks...ill stay away from diets.
Are there any specific excercises that I could do, say, when I wake up in the morning and right before bed that would specifically help the upper body?
There are plenty of ways to help build the upper body. The first one I would suggest is to do situps from a lying down position. Increase the number of situps as you are able. It's good for your stomach muscle and your back. There are other forms of pressure excercises you can use. You may also want to buy some weights. Most gyms have upper body excercise machines. Good luck. I try to walk three miles every day as my routine excercise. It helps to keep my blood pressure and weight down.
To lose fat any where on the body your calorie intake must be lowered, or exercise/physical activities have to increase (burn more calories). Spot reduction can occur through exercise but this will only firm up the under-lying muscle as opposed to reducing fat.
The best exercises for the chest are-
Inclines, declines, flies, and benching. I could describe these for you but it's best to have someone show you or at least have a visual (it's so easy to get hurt while exercising). You can do these exercises with a bench at home. Benches are inexpensive (easy to find at yard sales, check for tight screws,no wobbling)
By the way exercising before bed will increase your heart rate and might make it difficult to sleep right away. Good luck
Try and make time for your workouts, that way you will focus on them more, rather than stick them in while you aren't doing anything. If it's really that important to you this shouldn't be too much of a problem. Also, do not exercise right before bed, it really isn't going to help you as much as an exercise at any other time would. Also, remember to always stretch before a workout, your results will be much better and the risk of injury will be reduced by far. As for simple workouts, you could just do pushups, as you gain strength try and hold a pushup as close to the ground as you can for say 5-10 seconds, and then go back up. Do sets of these and try doing butterflys with freeweights if you get the chance on a frequent basis. Good luck with your endeavors, just work hard and exercise and you'll be fine.
Re: How do I reduce upper body fat?
drumbum wrote:Sorry if im being blunt, but im wondering if anyone has anytips for reducing upper body/chest fat? Are there any specific workouts/excersises that you recommend? I run every two days at least 3 miles a day, so my lower body is in shape, but I need to lose some upper body weight.
Upper body fat? I want to know how to get rid of double chins and flabby underarms. My honey won't buy me weights--he laughed and told me to get a couple of soup cans out of the pantry and lift those. Oh, the insults I endure....
Have you tried eating more healthy food on a consistent basis and also daily exercise, increasing in intensity as you go? For some people nothing works, and for those I feel sorry because they can work so hard and see no results, yet other people can gobble Krispie Kremes all day long every day and stay skinny as a rail. I used to be easily on the chubby side but my exercise and diet have kept me in fit condition and im seeing tone and definition easily now.
Oh yeah! We eat healthy--healthy portions, healthy quantities. We had a large pizza for dinner. That's not good? Would it be healthier to lift cans of vegetables or cans of soup during my exercise routine? (Just kidding! If I want weights, I'll buy them myself--I'll show my honey who's boss.)
no, im sorry but large pizzas arent exaclty healthy, its fine every once in a while but try less processed foods and more fresh produce
Thank you
Thank you, CarbonSystem: No more pizza. Got that. Writing note to my man, "no more pizza."
Okay. What exercises are good for ridding oneself of double chins and flabby underarms? Be serious now--I'm listening.
Just start off by going on light jogs. Then increase difficulty as you go.