farmerman wrote:background checks need major beefing up.
That can not be allowed.
The Obama Administration is using background checks to bar gun purchases by all sorts of people who have the right to have guns.
It is necessary that free Americans continue to have the ability to purchase guns without any background check.
farmerman wrote:Background checks now require someone to be "involuntarily hospitalized" for mental problems in order to fail a background check.
Not anymore. The Obama Administration has corrupted the system to such a degree that soon people will be failing the background check merely for having the wrong hair color.
This is why the NRA does not allow the government to make background checks universal for all purchases.
farmerman wrote:Responsible gun owners who hunt AND carry, need to be involved to understand that they, by being intractable, are really pushing their "hobby" to a multigenerational precipice in which guns will ultimately be defined as a "privilege" and not a right.
That is incorrect. Our defense of our civil rights is not going to result in the loss of those rights.
Rather, by defending our rights we help to guarantee them.
farmerman wrote:A non involved Supreme Court can define our rights right out of eistence because we werent forward thinking a few generations back.
The Supreme Court will not be a problem for much longer.
Note the current ages of the following Left-wing justices:
Stephen Breyer: 76
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: 82
Anthony Kennedy: 79
Come 2016 none of them will be any younger.
Eight years of Republican appointees will have people referring to Antonin Scalia as "one of the old moderates".
farmerman wrote:The problem with the NRA that makes IT the enemy of freedom and guys, so far , hasnt worked at all. Lapierre is not helping. He needs spme new bumper stickers for his membership.
The NRA is doing just fine. They have absolute power over whether the feds pass any new gun law.
farmerman wrote:I used to be an NRA member when it promoted gun SAFETY for hunting etc. Now its almost a paramilitary bullshit organization that s as scary as the klan
When the Obama Administration adds
you to the list of people who are barred from buying a gun, you'll realize which side is really your enemy.