Fri 9 Jul, 2004 07:42 am
Before I undertake the gross task of replacing a toilet seal (with 4 small kids around including a 4 wk old), do you think that a broken toilet seal would cause water to seap between the flooring onto/into the kitchen ceiling? Now there is no water to be seen on the bathroom floor, just a musty odor, but I've noticed that the toilet is a bit wobbly (seems to rock back and forth). Would turning the water off slow the leak until I can replace the seal tomorrow?
I'm not a plumber, but I think that turning off the water and draining any residual water out, would stop or slow the leak.
Why not call a plumber and see what the problem(s) is and not go to all the mess and fuss of fixing the toliet, especially when you have kids to take care of?
(I wonder why you don't get a leak on your bathroom floor, if the seal is leaky.)