Are my goldfish sick and how do I treat them?

Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2015 09:31 am
I had a pair of orandas and a red metallic oranda female. the pair layed eggs few weeks back, which unfortunately died to long exposure to UV light and lack of knowledge. And a week later I brought a pair of black moor, and taggled along problems. I noticed white spots on one 3 days later and the other one just died overnight, it was healthy and active the day before and dead the next morning, only thing unusual was that a few of it's scales turned bronze, but isn't that normal for black moors? It's entire scales were bronze when floating dead. I changed the water and started the heat and salt treatment for white spot disease. And also this the trio of orandas is fertile/pregnant, atleast I think it is. The females passed the test but the male, except for the 'innie', isn't chasing the females anymore and niether do I see the breeding tubrecles on it's gills. Its been a week since I noticed them 'changing', shouldn't they have laid the eggs by now?! i'm worried if any of them got infected by the disease that killed that other black moor. PLEASE help me ASAP, I don't want any more goldfish to die in my tank :/
Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2015 09:43 am
In general, with goldfish aquaria, you need to keep a close eye on pH and weekly 25% water changes..and not over-feeding...as goldfish can be pretty piggy.

Also, when you introduce new fish, it's possible they were already ill when introduced to the tank. I used to quarantine my fish for 1 or 2 days in a small (2 gal) tank before adding them to the big tank.

I think that your tank has retained some sort of residual infection beyond what the fish had themselves. Ich (white-spots)...typically can be tough...I seem to recall a copper med remedy for Ich that worked.

If this keeps on affecting the fish, your tank may need to be broken down and thoroughly cleaned if the current population doesn't make it through the medication and recovery stage. Young eggs often die off quickly even in a well-balanced tank.

Here's a link that provides some useful info, particularly important is to follow the whole Ich treatement remedy:


Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2015 11:00 am
Furthermore when it comes to most goldfish, particularly the Black Moor:

"You should at least provide a 20 gallon minimum fish tank for the Black Moor gold fish, and as the goldfish grows increase the tank size. This tank should be larger if you want to have more than one Black moor fish.

You need to provided the proper filtering. Black Moor Goldfish create lots of waste and are known for being messy. Your filter should completely clean the water at least ten times an hour. If there is a twenty gallon tank, you will need a filter that can handle the waste of at least 200 gallons per hour. A filter that can clean more than ten times the amount of water in your fish tank is more than adequate.

Perform a thorough gravel cleaning once a week or so. you need to use a gravel vacuum which vacuums up debris while recycling water. With tropical aquariums, it is often recommended that you do this once a month, but with goldfish (who produce an absurd amount of waste)you will need to do this as frequently as you can. Once a week is recommended

Get coffee bean sized gravel for the bottom of the Black Moor goldfish tank (if it is any smaller, the goldfish could accidentally swallow some while feeding and die) the Moors like feed off the bottom of the tank. Make sure any rocks or gravel are metal-free, since rocks with metals can harm fish by becoming toxic residues into the surrounding water."
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2015 11:32 am
Thank you loads, but what about the orandas? should I hand spawn them or wait a little longer, the male releases milt just by catching him in the net but isn't chasing is this normal? And the scales near the tail of the red metallic one are turning dull, kinda brown. On both sides and in a line.
P.S I have a 120 gallon aquarium so I don't think that's the problem, but the black moors from where I purchased them were like 30 in a 20 gal aquarium
Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2015 12:41 pm
Chances are they came with Ich..and now the aquarium is infected with it.

Have you followed the medication protocol including the rise of temperature while medicating? Follow the protocol underlines in the link.

When I Googled orandas, I got this link:
Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2015 03:32 pm
Kay! thanks. And I did, its been a day and a half since I did and the white spots from the fish are gone, they'll hopefully be better soon. You were a lot of help Smile
Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2015 04:25 pm
Be sure to read and follow all of the instructions. If you've raised the temps while medicating, you should lower it..but not very quickly. In fact, just because you don't see the spots, don't assume they're out of the woods.

Once some time has passed, (I forget if its more than 3 days so check the link info), you can add some scale coating (slime...I'm serious). This will come in a pet supply solution and allow the fish to heal and restore the natural slipperiness to its scales and close off any wounds and gill irritation.

Also be sure, that you are not adding too many fish to the tank and that you're siphoning the waste off the sand or material off the tank's bottom...quite regularly.

Lastly, feed them no live food as you can be introducing parasites.
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2015 12:30 am
I sure will! And I'll keep that in mind Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2015 12:41 am
Well done, Ragman.

Or, as you lot say over there....

Good Job!
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