Thu 2 Jul, 2015 01:31 pm
I'm writing a book and need to find good names for an other dimension earth names. I'm writing a book and need to find good names for an other dimension earth names, ones I already have Brobdingnagian, Pulchritudinous, Lissome, Plethora, Sumptuous, Halcyon, Fugacious, Ephemeral, bodacious, Ailuro, Cynos, Demes, Denoue, Dulcet, Effloresce, Gambol, Halcyon, Lilt, Lithe, Moiety, Panacea, Panoply, Penumbra, Petrichor, Riparian, Scintilla, Sempiternal, Sussurous I'm looking for unique one of a kind names
I'm trying to figure out what you're looking to do.
Neat words to be used as names? Neat words that have a planetary or soil or earth or elemental connotation? Something else?
Neat-sounding words are lovely, but you'll make your life far easier as a writer if you limit yourself and strive for a naming convention - whatever that is. Decide if you want the words to mean something in Spanish, or start with a V, or whatever.
Basically for our milky way except there is an extra planet that's like a second earth so two earths (both near the sun but never near each other and the rest exactly like our planets, but naming them the same when it's from another planets view wouldn't be fun, the meaning and beginning aren't important to me as long as they represent the planet in some way
Understood, but you do need to make it something that your readers can readily follow. No one wants to be looking in the back of the book or flipping back several pages, trying to remember where Sussurus is. It doesn't mean you can't have fun names, but be mindful of your readers' needs as they are a part of the writing equation.
If I become confused or have to work extra, I tend to quit reading.
so the other planets are the ones we know but you want to give them different names?
Jes and edgar are right. You have to give your readers something to hang onto with your naming protocol. Something that helps them follow along without annoying them.
Are the planets seen as mirror images? through a looking glass? through a filter? think about what will help your reader make sense of your scheme.
Stick to short names like Terra .
Thanks, only three planets so far is seen fully close up the rest seen through the journy like one of an astronaut if this helps any
Thanks everyone for your answers