Then the hell with Hell... I think this lady is having a crisis. another one coming your way Nick!
I don't believe in hell. It's not only that it's a foreign religous concept, I just don't feel comfortable trying to explain what happens after I die. It's like trying to describe bungee jumping when I've never done that, only moreso.
Is there punishment for sins? On this world, if you get caught there is. If you don't get caught you may feel bad about it after. I can't get metaphysical when I'm unwilling to define an afterlife. What's a sin? What's not a sin?
Do we need it? At what level? We punish ourselves. Society punishes us. It's more the consequences of our actions anyway. But this whole post seems devoid of the supernatural. I'm sorry to disapoint.
Scientifically speaking, whatever happens to us after we die is uncertain. I don't like to believe that we will live in heaven or hell after we die, since it's not absolute. There are other ideas that suggest afterlife or some sort of paradise. I think the concept of judgment and punishment and whether or not we will go to heaven or hell was just created to make people conform more easily. I would like to believe (since it makes most sense to me) that when one dies, consciousness ceases to function, so one's mind and one's thoughts also disappear.