CarbonSystem wrote:The closest thing to satan may be the Babylonian Brotherhood so vividly described by David Icke in his book "the biggest secret"
Did you just read this book? When things are fresh on my mind, bookwise, sometimes I restate them over and over again.
Actually there is a Satan but it's a very late reference. It's found at the very least in the book of Job -- I'm not a bible person so someone else might find another reference.
In the Hebrew satan is a word like any other and has been translated as challenger/adversary/accuser. It occurs much earlier. But the idea of a celestial being is indicated by the word HaSatan meaning The Challenger/Adversary/Accuser.
Jewish Tradition holds that this character is completely bound to the will of God -- like all angels -- and his job is to find people and test their faith. I may be a little off on this and maybe Moishe can speak on this a little better. I've always held it to be a later idea, possibly of Zoroastrian influence after the Babylonian Exile, and never thought about it much. And I do believe he was actually demonized in some parts of the world much later on. I've been studying the origins of hasidism and actually read fire and brimstone sermons given by Jewish preachers in Europe. This was not the norm. And then there's sitra achra which I know nothing about.
Christian Tradition someone who is Christian can speak for.
Hopefully someone Muslim can speak for Shaitan(sp?).