The need to get rid of both Merkel and Obunga

Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 04:35 am

After a G7 Summit marked by escalated war confrontation against Russia, led by Barack Obama and Angela Merkel of Germany, it is time to act against both. The reward of such action can be both prevention of an early, general war, and the recovery of the collapsed economy of Europe.

Three leading senior figures of the German Social Democratic Party, former Chancellors Schmidt and Schroeder and present Foreign Minister Steinmeier, have repeatedly opposed Merkel's policy of sanctioning and attempting to isolate Russia. All three are experienced and highly credible political leaders who understand where the interests of Germany's economic develop lie. All three have come to the conclusion that Merkel's policy, particularly with regard to Russia, is contrary to Germany's interests. Merkel is acting, in effect, as an agent against Germany, agent of the war policy of Barack Obama.

If their party withdraws its support from Merkel's government now, it can bring that government down and end that policy. These three leaders have not yet made that step explicit. It is urgent........
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 04:50 am
Bundestag Member and Left Party Deputy Chair, Sahra Wagenknecht reads a riot act to Angela Merkel:


Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 05:36 am
Wagenknecht certainly is (in her own words) an orthodox Marxist, and she still shows openly sympathies for the former German Democratic Republic.

Of course, she opposes Merkel - and most of all democratically elected elected lawmakers. (As she opposes non-Marxists in her own party.)

gungasnake wrote:
Sahra Wagenknecht reads a riot act to Angela Merkel:
Could you please show me where she did so? (>Here< is the transcript from her own private website).
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 08:12 am
Most of the stuff gunga prints nowaday is spoon fee crap developed by the Internet Reseqrch Agency, a Russian organization that was constructed to be anti -everyting related to the West nd is pro-Putin.
Gunga , even if hes not a card carrying groupie, seems to extract his posts from "fellow travelers"

His idiotic views on science notwithstanding, his newest acceptance of the "great Tsar Putin" and the desire to restore the old Soviet Union, makes anything else that he posts totally incredible.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 10:00 am

Recently we've seen two former German chancellors, Schmidt and Schroeder, as well as present Foreign Minister Steinmeier denounce Merkel's policy of behaving as a Soros/Obunga stooge to the detriment of German business and industrial interests, particularly as those policies relate to Russia. Those guys aren't all communists. The fact of Merkel being a stooge has to be sufficiently obvious to any German with eyes to see and if it takes a hard-core leftist to be the first person to stand up and say something, so be it, somebody needs to say something.

Nor does it take Albert Einstein to notice that the places which the US military expends the most time and energy bombing are precisely those places which come into some sort of conflict with the World Bank, the IMF, and the asshole bankers who Bork Obunga and George Soros work for; the two worst recent cases, Serbia and Libya, involved leaders who had tried to take nations out of the clutches of the trans-Atlantic banking world and Khadafi in fact was on the ragged edge of setting up a United States of Africa with a unified currency.

The reason that the bankers hate Putin and likewise the reason for the insane demonization of Putin in Western media is precisely the same **** on a much larger scale. What Putin and the other leaders of the BRICS nations have done is to pull half the population of the entire planet out from the clutches of the World Bank and trans-Atlantic system and at the same time, create a defensive network so formidable that they cannot simply be fucked with via "color" revolutions and all of the usual asshole tricks which the empire has customarily used to keep peasants in line.

Moreover, they've done all of this by beginning to implement exactly what formerly was called the American System of Economics on an international scale, including the creation of an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the sole purpose of which is the furtherance of human infrastructure, productivity, and industrial capacity in the world.

They've invited Western Nations including the US to join. Naturally that would require those nations to give up on mercantilism and all the Malthusian and greentard **** but, hey, who wants to be poor ALL their lives??

Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 10:03 am
gungasnake wrote:
Recently we've seen two former German chancellors, Schmidt and Schroeder, as well as present Foreign Minister Steinmeier denounce Merkel's policy of behaving as a Soros/Obunga stooge to the detriment of German business and industrial interests, particularly as those policies relate to Russia.
Your source for that is ....?
re. Steinmeier: look up what "Richtlinienkompetenz" means. (Article 65 of our consitution, roughly translated as "guideline setting competence".)

And where was it again that Sahra Wagenknecht read a riot act? Certainly not where you link leads to.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 10:17 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

re. Steinmeier: look up what "Richtlinienkompetenz" means. (Article 65 of our consitution, roughly translated as "guideline setting competence".)

Article 65
[Power to determine policy guidelines – Department and collegiate responsibility]

The Federal Chancellor shall determine and be responsible for the general guidelines of policy. Within these limits each Federal Minister shall conduct the affairs of his department independently and on his own responsibility. The Federal Government shall resolve differences of opinion between Federal Ministers. The Federal Chancellor shall conduct the proceedings of the Federal Government in accordance with rules of procedure adopted by the Government and approved by the Federal President.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 10:40 am


After a G7 Summit marked by escalated war confrontation against Russia, led by Barack Obama and Angela Merkel of Germany, it is time to act against both. The reward of such action can be both prevention of an early, general war, and the recovery of the collapsed economy of Europe.

Three leading senior figures of the German Social Democratic Party, former Chancellors Schmidt and Schroeder and present Foreign Minister Steinmeier, have repeatedly opposed Merkel's policy of sanctioning and attempting to isolate Russia. All three are experienced and highly credible political leaders who understand where the interests of Germany's economic develop lie. All three have come to the conclusion that Merkel's policy, particularly with regard to Russia, is contrary to Germany's interests. Merkel is acting, in effect, as an agent against Germany, agent of the war policy of Barack Obama.

If their party withdraws its support from Merkel's government now, it can bring that government down and end that policy. These three leaders have not yet made that step explicit. It is urgent.

We are at the doorstep of a general collapse of the economies -- and most certainly the banking systems -- of Western and Central Europe. The cause is a City of London-dictated economic policy which, since the Soviet Union collapsed, has ruled out real development of southern or eastern Europe, or real economic cooperation with Russia and now the BRICS countries.

Germany, the only viable economy in Europe, cannot live under these conditions, particularly now that the Greek crisis has triggered extremely dangerous conditions in the credit markets of Europe. The sanctions policy of Obama and the British has made the damage far worse, as even Obama's spokesman Josh Earnest admitted today, when he spoke of Europeans going along with Russian sanctions "at the sacrifice of their own economies."

The solution to this collapse is peaceful economic cooperation with Russia and the BRICS-allied nations, particularly China and India and the new international development banks for infrastructure which they have formed.

This system moves closer and closer to war, because of British puppet Obama. Leave Merkel in, and the threat of early, general thermonuclear war grows greater and greater. Leave her in, with her Finance Minister, and the economic collapse, with the Greek debt crisis, becomes total.

Pull her government down, and Obama's war policy is isolated and weakened. He should be thrown out office for it.

If Germany, in cooperation with Russia and China, can revive the economies of Central and Eastern Europe -- along China's New Silk Roads of infrastructure development -- then the threat of war, particularly from Ukraine, can be neutralized. And Obama can much more readily be dumped in the process.

Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 10:50 am

La Rouche.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 11:03 am
It simply isn't difficult to see what the BRICS nations have done.

Particularly India, China, and Russia... They got together in a room somewhere and thought the whole thing out more or less. Like:

Guys, we have half the planet's human population, more than half of the world's mineral resources, more than enough engineering talent (China and Russia), more than enough sheer manpower (India, China), more than enough computer-related talent, and three nuclear-armed states so that they can't simply **** with us the way they did with Milosevich and Khadaffi...

Do we really need Wall Street and London or the Rothschild family?? I mean, what the **** for? I mean, suppose those fools didn't even exist, would that mean I couldn't open up some sort of a lemonade/cookie stand and figure out some way to sell you guys some lemonade and cookies???

Having thus made up their minds to go their own way, they had a wonder trump card to play in what has since the early 1800s been called the American System of Economics which is the thing which the British have been fighting for the past 200 years and amounts to the largest political issue in the world both in 1850 and today. Lyndon and Helga LaRouche are the world's foremost advocates of that system and, while still little known in America and England, are heroes in much of the world outside of the US and Great Britain. Chinese call Helga LaRouche the "Silk-Road Lady" since the idea of the "New Silk Road" which you read about is basically hers.

BRICS amounts to an effort to implement this American System of Economics on a hertofore unheard-of and international scale.


Henry Carey:

Central policies[edit]
The American School included three cardinal policy points:

Support industry: The advocacy of protectionism, and opposition to free trade - particularly for the protection of "infant industries" and those facing import competition from abroad. Examples: Tariff of 1816 and Morrill Tariff
Create physical infrastructure: Government finance of internal improvements to speed commerce and develop industry. This involved the regulation of privately held infrastructure, to ensure that it meets the nation's needs. Examples: Cumberland Road and Union Pacific Railroad
Create financial infrastructure: A government sponsored National Bank to issue currency and encourage commerce. This involved the use of sovereign powers for the regulation of credit to encourage the development of the economy, and to deter speculation. Examples: First Bank of the United States, Second Bank of the United States, and National Banking Act[12]
Henry C. Carey, a leading American economist and adviser to Abraham Lincoln, in his book Harmony of Interests, displays two additional points of this American School economic philosophy that distinguishes it from the systems of Adam Smith or Karl Marx:

Government support for the development of science and public education through a public 'common' school system and investments in creative research through grants and subsidies.
Rejection of class struggle, in favor of the "Harmony of Interests" between: owners and workers, farmer and manufacturers, the wealthy class and the working class.[18]
In a passage from his book, The Harmony of Interests, Carey wrote concerning the difference between the American System and British System of economics:

Two systems are before the world;... One looks to increasing the necessity of commerce; the other to increasing the power to maintain it. One looks to underworking the Hindoo, and sinking the rest of the world to his level; the other to raising the standard of man throughout the world to our level. One looks to pauperism, ignorance, depopulation, and barbarism; the other to increasing wealth, comfort, intelligence, combination of action, and civilization. One looks towards universal war; the other towards universal peace. One is the English system; the other we may be proud to call the American system, for it is the only one ever devised the tendency of which was that of elevating while equalizing the condition of man throughout the world.[18].....

Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 11:15 am
That last statement of Henry Carey's is worth repeating since it amounts to a very short yet adequate description of what remains the most major political question in the world today:

Two systems are before the world;... One looks to increasing the necessity of commerce; the other to increasing the power to maintain it. One looks to underworking the Hindoo, and sinking the rest of the world to his level; the other to raising the standard of man throughout the world to our level. One looks to pauperism, ignorance, depopulation, and barbarism; the other to increasing wealth, comfort, intelligence, combination of action, and civilization. One looks towards universal war; the other towards universal peace. One is the English system; the other we may be proud to call the American system, for it is the only one ever devised the tendency of which was that of elevating while equalizing the condition of man throughout the world.[18].....
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 11:15 am
gungasnake wrote:
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche are heroes in much of the world outside of the US and Great Britain.

not so much
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 11:26 am
British view on the American System...

“If this mischievous financial policy, which has its’ origins in North America, shall be endured down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debt and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedence in the history of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.” – Editorial in the Times of London, 1862.

The three US presidents who ever acted like they completely understood this kind of gigantic banking and money issue and were prepared to act on that kind of knowledge, were Lincoln, McKinley, and JFK, the three who were assasinated.

Otto Von Bismarck claimed that the Rothschilds were behind both the US civil war and the assassination of Lincoln.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 11:30 am
ehBeth wrote:

gungasnake wrote:
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche are heroes in much of the world outside of the US and Great Britain.

not so much

I'd say: not at all!!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 11:52 am
Having problems with the British empire and the Rothschild banking system is very, very, very, very, very ******* far from being antisemitic.

The ordinary average Jew who works as a doctor, lawyer, physicist, or who runs some little store neither knows nor gives a rat's ass about banking conspiracies or communism, but he gets blamed and suffers for all that ****.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 11:59 am

Major misuse of the forum tag system going on........
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 12:04 pm

Therefore there is a deadly serious reason to study the rise and fall of Lyndon LaRouche, the man who brought us fascism wrapped in an American flag.

Lyndon LaRouche represents the most recent incarnation of the unique twentieth-century phenomenon known as totalitarian fascism.

a later criminal indictment in Virginia saw LaRouche and several of his key followers convicted on charges involving illegally soliciting unsecured loans and tax code violations.


While often described merely as conservative or extremist, the
LaRouche organization and its various front groups are a fascist
political movement with echoes of neonazi ideology.

Here are several LaRouchite texts :

"From Ezra onwards, and even before, Hebrewism was an assimilationist doctrine developed to provide special juridical status (and ideological self-image) for a caste of merchant-userers within a pre-capitalist society."

"Judaism is not a true religion, but only a half-religion, a curious
appendage and sub-species of Christianity."

"Judaism is ideological abstraction of the secular life of
Christianity's Jew, the Roman merchant-userer who had not yet evolved to the state of Papal enlightenment, a half-Christian, who had not developed a Christian conscience."

"Judaism is the religion of a caste of subjects of Christianity,
entirely molded by ingenious rabbis to fit into the ideological and
secular life of Christianity. In short, a self- sustaining Judaism
never existed and never could exist. As for Jewish culture otherwise,
it is merely the residue left to the Jewish home after everything
saleable has been marketed to the Goyim."

Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 12:05 pm

The international network run by “notorious antisemite” Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. is a major contemporary source of antisemitic and neofascist propaganda.1 Some of this material is promoted by the LaRouchite Schiller Institute, with a major office in Wiesbaden, Germany. Other offices exist in the United States, “ Australia, Canada, Russia, Denmark, France, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, [and] Peru.” The Institute claims “a growing influence in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. ”2

The basic worldview of the LaRouchites is that there exists a global sinister conspiracy stretching back to Jewish intellectuals and rabbis during the time of the Babylonian exile; through Venetian Jewish “merchant-userers;” to British plutocratic elites in league with Jewish banking families.

A review of thousands of pages of LaRouchite literature published over several decades reveals that the LaRouchites’ allegations of a conspiratorial plot echo classic anti-Jewish claims published by both well-known and obscure antisemites; including German Nazi propagandists.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 12:08 pm


Anti-Semitism lies at the core of LaRouche’s beliefs, just as it lay at the core of Hitler’s. It is the connecting thread in ALL the propaganda themes, conspiracy theories and pseudo-scientific and pseudo-scholarly claptrap that LaRouche and his followers espouse.


On Jewish culture and the Jewish business instinct:

“As for ‘Jewish culture’…it is merely the residue left to the Jewish home after everything saleable has been marketed to the Goyim.”—LaRouche, “The Case of Ludwig Feuerbach,” The Campaigner, Dec. 1973, p. 37.

“The brutally sadistic moral castration of the Jewish boy by the domineering ‘Jewish mother’ is the basis for one of the most horrifying models of male sexual impotence, which expresses itself obsessively in the ‘business Jew.’” Ibid.


On the duty of Jewish followers of LaRouche to prove themselves worthy of survival:

In demanding that his Jewish followers join him wholeheartedly in denouncing Zionism as an “evil, racist doctrine,” LaRouche wrote: “You have no right to hide behind the whimpering, morally degraded profession: ‘I am only one little person….’ You are personally, individually accountable for the ultimate consequences of what you do or fail to do….Either you take responsibility for the ultimate consequences of your conduct or you have no moral right to complain against whatever evil the world’s developments bestow upon you.

If you say, ‘As a Jew, I must be concerned primarily with what is good for Jews,’ you are already on the pathway to becoming a Nazi. You were better advised to ask yourself, ‘What is a Jew good for? What can a Jew contribute to humanity generally which obliges humanity to value the Jew?” Ibid. [It should be noted that LaRouche makes no such demands on any other ethnic group, nor does he deny the right to a national consciousness of any other group. Indeed LaRouche, the opponent of Zionist nationalism, is a staunch promoter of German and Argentine nationalism.]
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2015 12:13 pm
You want to reference Larouche - let's make sure people know who you both are.

The Dreyfuss libel--Jews function as spies and traitors within gentile societies:

“Literally thousands of operatives for the Zionist Lobby have penetrated the halls of Congress, the State and Defense Departments, the CIA, and American business and labor organizations to gather information which is then transmitted up the chain of command to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and the Maltese Order….
These agents gather information and intelligence on U.S. national security policy, corporate policy, and financial policy for transmission to the enemy. Their loyalties lie not with the United States but with the Zionist-British organism….
The Zionist octopus must be eliminated….”—unsigned editorial, “Register the Zionist Lobby As Foreign Agents!” New Solidarity, Sept. 5, 1978.


“Now, Bush is not the source of the problem, he does not even know who he is. Nor are Cheney and Rumsfeld…they are just under the influence of the Leo Strauss types…the Frankfurt School fascists, many of whom could not become German fascists because they were Jewish, like Strauss, and went sent to the States. The people they produced, in the United States, then, are the ones who are now around Cheney, or Sharon—all of them are lackeys only, however, of the financier interests….”--EIR press release, March 21, 2003, summarizing speech of LaRouche at Schiller Institute conference (attended by Jeremiah Duggan) in Bad Schwalbach, Germany.

“It’s a secret society which is so enormous that it’s hard to be secret….You now have four to five generations pumping out up to a hundred PhDs each, taking over academia, taking over the governments. So they’re all over the place….”--Tony Papert (a top LaRouche aide), quoted in “A Dialogue About Leo Strauss, and the Effect of His Nihilist Philosophy Today,” EIR, June 20, 2003.


For 30 years Lyndon LaRouche has waged a war of hate against the British and the Jews .

"America must be cleansed for its righteous war by the immediate elimination of the Nazi Jewish Lobby and other British agents from the councils of government, industry, and labor."

From "A War-winning Strategy", Editorial, New Solidarity, March 1978
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