Craven de Kere wrote: OCCOM BILL wrote: You mean I should;
In the original post that Bill's eternally damned to hell for, he wrote:When hiring sales people; I hire the most qualified applicants, but;
What is still troubling you? What would you have me do?
A. pretend statistical facts don't exist when hiring.
B. pretend statistical facts don't exist when talking about hiring?
C. pretend I don't care if I lose money?
Dammit Bill you are being way more dense about this that you really are.
Lemme spell it out real simple-like.
I'm not the one misquoting to establish a false premise to defend here Craven, you are.
Craven de Kere wrote: I think you should hire the person most qualified for the job but do not "assume in advance" that black people will not be qualified. They are individuals, let them each stand on their own merit without pre-judging them.
That is precisely what I do. You can't change my words just because they don't say what you want them to in order to justify your false accusations. Let's look again.
In the original post that Bill's eternally damned to hell for, he wrote:"When hiring sales people; I hire the most qualified applicants, but; I assume in advance that the black applicants are not likely to perform as well as their equally qualified white counterparts."
You will notice I'm not assuming anyone isn't qualified in advance
and that I do indeed hire the most qualified applicants. You will also notice that your case crumbles when you
stop misquoting me. And please, stop attributing additional meanings to my words as if they are fact. Onyxelle's comment should show you the affect you are having and why I feel compelled to defend myself against these unprovoked, out of place, off topic attacks. If you refer back to the topic that your quote came from; you will see that I clarified the nearest words to your false quote shortly after I said them.
Right after that eternally damnable quote I wrote:"I've lent a considerable amount of money to employees, and no, race was never a factor. Stereotypes and generalizations become irrelevant when accessing individuals
In my first post, I should have used the word prediction instead of assumption in relating to a new employees anticipated performance. I am not the one who uses the circular file mentioned. Does this clear anything up?"
Well, it did clear things up for that person, but obviously not well enough for you. I believe this is now the 4rth thread I've been attacked on with this same nonsense. Like I told the last attacker; at least try and get it out of your system, because I get sick of defending the same statements with the same arguments over and over again on thread after thread. Actually, I think the argument killed the last thread I was attacked on, so why don't we pick it up there instead of doing the same old thing here?
Craven de Kere wrote: Note the "pre".
That's as simple as refusing to judge them prior to meeting them. If after an interview you can genuinely say someone is not qualified then cool, that's post. The problem is the prejudice, to pre-judge to "assume in advance".
This remains a figment of your imagination. Please support it with something accurate or retract
your assumption.
Craven de Kere wrote: Quote:You of all people should understand that facts can be pesky things. They're not always fair, convenient or politically correct. Occasionally, fiscal realities will clash with social ideals. People who choose to behave in an ignorant fashion reside on the bottom of my charity priority list. If you catch me pretending I consider overzealous PC nonsense more important than money, do let me know, for then you can show hypocrisy in my beliefs. In the mean time Cosby's right: If you want to be respected in business, it would behoove you to dress, act and yes, speak the part.
Bill it's not about "facts", not about "PC" and not about hiring blacks.
It's about
pre vs.
Let each individual represent themselves. It's only fair.
Repeating this false charge makes you appear to have a point
but doesn't intellectual honesty require you to be able to fortify it? Since I do treat individuals as individuals (hell, I defy you to find someone who believes more strongly in the responsibility of the individual than I do), your assumption is completely false.
Craven de Kere wrote: Quote: Craven de Kere wrote: What I'm talking about doesn't affect your bottom line at all, just the point at which you make a decision (namely after having met the individual in question).
I meet everyone before deciding whether to hire them or not Craven.
Yes, but you said you "assume in advance" that blacks won't be qualified. To do so can become a self-fulfiling prophecy and is not right.
NO Craven
I never said that. You are still attributing a false assumption to me to make a false point.
Craven de Kere wrote: Quote:Your desire to label me racist is causing you to post your inferences as if they were founded in fact. ("Namely" I've said nothing to support that supposition. :wink: )
Dude, I've no desire to call you racist. I think you hold racist positions just like all of us do and I think yours are important ones but I think you ahve a good heart (mean that) and I do not think you can be called a racist.
similarly, everyone lies, but not everyone qualifies for the meaning of liar (if it describes everything it describes nothing).
Thank you. I'd be even more appreciative if the balance of your statements and unsupported suppositions weren't saying the exact opposite.
Craven de Kere wrote: Quote:Craven de Kere wrote:pre to post
I don't know what that means, sorry.
Simple, don't "assume in advance". That is prejudice.
You have yet to provide an accurate example of me wronging someone in such a way. Knowing and admitting to knowing statistical facts is not evidence that I unfairly use them. Here; I'll give you another example so you can either understand, or sight it as further racism:
Example: When I was in school; I waited tables at a nice restaurant. I noticed that black people usually don't tip as well as white people. Statistically, I averaged 23.5 % overall but only about 13% from black people. Knowing these numbers in advance, I still delivered the very best service I could to every table. Would you have me:
a) pretend the observed data didn't exist
b) keep it to myself
c) or is the mere recognition proof of my racism?
Craven de Kere wrote: You keep bringing up the qualified part and the education, that's not the point of disagreement.
The point is that pre is not right and post costs you nothing.
You still have provided no evidence of this baseless charge. Please do so with an accurate quote or stop chanting the nonsense altogether.
I think I asked you this on the last thread you did this on, but, what's motivating you here boss?