Edit: Moderator: Moved from General to Travel
Didn't know where else to post this.
So, I'm going to Virginia to visit some friends and family. I'm going to be on a plane for about 6 hours without much to do. All my reading material is already in Virginia waiting for me. I was wondering if anyone knows any (solitaire) games with which I could entertain myself for a bit while on the plane. Preferably something that won't disturb the fellow passengers. :wink: I'll bring a deck of cards in case you can tell me about a game you enjoy ( or made yourself, that would be interesting) and pad of paper and some pencils/pens. ( I have limited materials ) Also, my kid brother will be with me, so any game that can be played with two people would be nice.
This brings up a new interest. Have you ever made up your own game? Do tell. I'm curious to see what it is.