Wed 8 Jan, 2003 02:52 pm
Stations reject TV ads that connect SUVs to terrorism
Television stations in New York, Detroit and Los Angeles are refusing to air ads that link driving sport utility vehicles with supporting terrorism, producers of the ads said yesterday.
In one ad, a man pumps gas into his SUV while a voice says that every time he fills up he makes money for oil companies who buy oil from countries that support terrorists. A map of the Persian Gulf shows Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Iran.
"What kind of mileage does your SUV get? Oil money supports some terrible things," the ad says.
The second ad, in an ironic vein, features supposed SUV owners proudly claiming responsibility for blowing up nightclubs and putting U.S. troops in harm's way. It concludes: "What is your SUV doing to national security? Detroit, America needs hybrid cars now."
Aw damn, i thought this would be about their idiot driving habits! We got a big fall of snow the other day, and on the way to work, i saw SUV's sliding and skidding out of their lanes all over town--a lot of SUV drivers seem to think that simply driving such a vehicle confers some immunity to adverse conditions. I drive a jeep, and i try to drive responsibly based on conditions. One guy i saw, suit & tie type, in a jeep, came around a long curve at about 40 or more (in a 35 zone, in four inches of new snow), lost it, skidded out, swerved from one side of the road to the other (demonstrating that he didn't know how to drive out of a skid) and then took out the FedEx and UPS drop-off boxes at the side of the road. He then drove off as though nothing had happened.
I was going to say that i was disappointed that this is not a thread to rant about SUV drivers--but, since i've just done so, i've got nothing to complain about.
When i read your post, i was incredulous. What particular species of fool thought this one up?
Thanks for the link, NG--these jokers should work for the Shrub, they could do his PR campaign to justify the attack on Iraq as part of the war on terrorism.
If the federal drug police can run TV ads telling pot smokers that they support terrorists, then TV stations should run ads about how gas guzzlers support terrorists. The linkage there is genuine, at least.
As for SUV drivers, I've found, quite by accident (no pun intended), a good way to thwart them. I drive an '86 Toyota Tercel with a rusted hood. They don't want to be anywhere near me!
as i understand it the same producers for these ads are the ones that did the "drug=terrorist" ads.
Someone driving a SUV here in Germany is either rich or/and doesn't care much about environment (mostly, at least).
The abstract, big European environmental issues, such as the greenhouse effect, the ozone hole, energy saving, overconsumption, and garbage reduction, lead to such difference between us and the USA.
All this led to the development of so-called 3-liter-car, a car that takes three liters of fuel for 100 kilometers. Their efforts have led to partial successes so far. (The same is true, btw, for the 3-liter-house: Three liters of heating oil per year and square meter of living space, or even less, are enough for this kind of one-family home.)
Although I think, those ads are quite funny, they seem to be produced "in the wrong time".
while i don't drive a SUV i find these ads offensive, linking what i drive with terrorism is pretty off the wall as far as i am concerned and is hardly likely to induce change in those owners.
Dys, you've hit on a very important point that so many enthusiasts of any description seem to miss. It is damned difficult to get people to change their minds, as it is--negativity is just likely to confirm them in their ways.
BTW, my "SUV"--a '95 Jeep Cherokee, has a four-cylinder engine. I got no problems with the gas consumption of Ol' Bessie.
Agreed that ads likely make little difference for folks in both groups. A case can be made that either group (SUV drivers or druggies) is supporting terrorists by their actions. Makes very little sense either way, probably, but if one set of ads is running, why not the other?
Comes down to who has the right to use the war on terrorism to support their argument...
I hate SUVs and usually their drivers are idiots. Sorry. Just had to get it off my chest.
Thank you for the explanation. I had no idea of what all of you were talking about!
D'artagnan wrote:Makes very little sense either way, probably, but if one set of ads is running, why not the other?
Crack dealers don't bring in much ad revenue for the TV stations. The SUV Makers buy commercial time like crazy...
littlek wrote:I hate SUVs and usually their drivers are idiots. Sorry. Just had to get it off my chest.
littlek thinks i'm an idiot.
So you're saying he's usually an idiot?
heeheehee... nooooooOOOO!!!
There is a time and place for SUVs
fishin' wrote:So you're saying he's usually an idiot?

thanks for clearing that up fishin'. was wondering about that answer myself.
Well, pueo, if you never need to use it off-road or in post-typhoon environments than I'd say you were also an idiot. But just idiotic on the SUV topic.