I am 14, and I LOVE to play violent video games. I think they are great. I don't feel that they have changed my judgement in any way, either. I think that some teenagers may take influence on the video games, because they may think that the games are reality. This just shows that the parents are not doing their jobs as a role model, and they are not enforcing rules in their household. It is, after all, the parents decision to let their child play the M- rated video games. Now, a 17 year old or older has to buy M- rated video games because of the new laws that say children are not allowed to buy these games. I think that if children are to be swayed by violent video games, then it should be the parents fault for not looking at the video games before they buy them.
OMFG. I think you should just stop now. What would we do without violent video games? Play chess??? HAHAHA, yeah, riiiight. I still don't believe that you were dumb enough to post it. And were these test taken by post- serial killers? Because my favorite game is Deathrow, and you shoot a futuristic disk, and when you're not doing tht, you beat the crap

out of people. Another game i would have to say, are RPG games, like Enclave. That is a medevial rpg, where you start as a prisoner. You're in jail next to your enemy. She is talkin trash and a cannonball knocks down the wall and crushes her. She's dead. HAHAHA. And i think that you would have to be insane to believe that. Maybe, if you have kids, you'll drive them insane. And THEY might have affected brains and go insane and kill people. But otherwise, I think you're an idiot, hands down.
I personally do not know a single teen who dislikes any computer game because they think it's violent. And there be plenty of well-adjusted adults who've been playing violent computer games for as long as such games have been around.
I play violent computer games, and i'll kill anyone who tries to stop me.
And what might your preferred weapon be for this grim task?
I like the long bow for ranged combat, and a scimitar (kept very, very sharp) for close-in slaughter. On a larger scale, i always attempt to equip my forces with the best possible range weapons, as well as good armor and adequate side arms, so that they can cause the most disruption and casualties before actually closing with the enemies.
In the present case, i would favor thermonuclear weapons, as the means of disposing the largest number of critics with the fewest number of attacks.
Good choices all around, but personally I enjoy casting a good spell. An infestation of maggots, for instance. Or regeneration -- that's always good. There's nothing like sending your enemies' skeletons to slaughter in your place.
Aerie, a mage/cleric in Baldur's Gate II--Shadows of Amn, is one of the finest killers i employ. I have acquired for her an artifact mage's robe which reduces her casting time by 4 (out of a possible 7, it means she gets off many spells instantaneously). There is a first-level spell, chromatic orb, which most gamers ignore as being weak. However, it's efficacy improves as the mage increases in levels. At level twelve, it does 2 to 12 points damage (2 die 6), no save for damage, and the target must save versus spells or die instantly. I give her an aggressive script, set up her spells and let her go. We were fighting some pretty tough demons once, and suddenly, one of them simply dissolved into a pile of dust. Then the same happened to the second demon. The rest of the party just got it on with the duergar (dark dwarves) who were swarming around. I paused the game, and read back through the dialogue window. Aerie had been casting chromatic orb, which i hadn't bothered to reset in a long time. I looked up the spell, and realized that she was casting the twelfth level version of a first level spell, and that in both cases, the demons had failed their saving throw versus spells. Later, we were taking on a pretty damned tough blue dragon. I had Viconia (a drow--dark elf--cleric) on aggressive, and she was casting command type spells as fast as she could. I had Aerie cast simulacrum, and her simulacrum was casting magic missile and cromatic orb at the dragon constantly. I had Jaheira (half-elf druid) call a woodland sprite, who was casting command type spells, and the two fighters up front were using magic artifact swords. Aerie was casting chromatic orb as fast as she could (pretty damned fast with the Robe of Vecna, roughly once every seven seconds). Well, the poor damned dragon was saving against spells constantly, and losing on a regular basis, despite high magic resistance. It only took one failure to save against Aerie's chromatic orb: the dragon did fail such a saving throw, and dropped down dead on the spot.
I think i'm in love . . .
Well... I think that my fav weapon would have to be the flak cannon from Unreal Tournament. HAHAHAHAHA
HAHAHa, that is a great pic. Where did you get it. I would like to get some.
Excuses, excuses.
Let's see, I'm an; a******, or a rapist, or a bully, or a killer, or a sadist. Hmmmm, must be cause of D&D. or Heavy Metal. or Rap. or video games. or books. or TV. or movies.
These excuses are nothing more than a desperate defense for a sad, pathetic piece of human garbage. Weather it's your kid, best friend or crazy aunt, we (as a society) just cant accept something as simple and obvious as good vs evil.
For some reason, we don't question why Mother Teresa is good, but there must be an excuse for those columbine losers.
Accept it, if someone wants to hurt others, they will. Take away all the above excuses and you still have to explain all the heartless brutalizers of the past who had none of these pastimes.
My advice; don't look for the reasons, stay alert, stay alive, and don't be a victim.
(And if you have the guts, stand against those who would do others ill. That's the opposite of the excuse argument, and in my opinion, the good that vs's evil.)
Good vs. Evil? Sounds like you play too many videogames. ;-)
I was raised on Doom and Duke Nukem, and I still find real life violence to be horrible. It's not so much what games you play or what movies you watch, I think - it's more about how your parents teach you to interpret them.
I do not think video games cause those who play them to become violent. As with music and television, a user must have violent tendencies in the first place and if they can not associate the difference between real life and what they see on the TV screen then there is already something fundamentally wrong with them. I remember being in school many years ago and hearing about the Dunblane Massacre where Thomas Hamilton went into school grounds in Scotland and shot several of the children. For this Natural Born Killers, due to be released the following Monday, was held off the shelves. Everyone wanted something to blame and that was appropriate. Nobody cared that it was not out on video release when he went to that school, and if the film was to blame he waited for six months after seeing it at the cinema to do the deed.
Video games, I find, help in many ways, such as with hand/eye coordination and, with many games, help improve logic and thought processes.
Seriously though, how many kids walking down the street and see someone they think is in their video games so they decide to move in with a swift uppercut followed by a bicycle kick and finishing them off with impailing them on a spear-on-a-rope Harpoon type gadget?
If I saw someone walking down the street looking like characters in video games, that is jerking sporadically and missing a vital polygon limb every few seconds, I would be more likely to phone for an ambulance rather than pull out my sniper rifle and pick them off with a headshot or, if in a particularly cruel and amusing mood, a fatal shot to the groin.
Would you let a ten year old child watch
Don't let them play
The problem isn't the games, it's the media's (and consequently, the parents') view of them. They're still perceived as toys, playthings for children, but they passed that level almost ten years ago. The average owner of the original Playstation was 24. Microsoft are now desperately trying to attract kids to their system, it's played almost solely by 20-somethings.
They're not toys. Are films toys?
Would you let a child watch
Pulp Fiction?
Don't let them play
Grand Theft Auto.
They're a form of entertainment. I've been playing videogames since I was 6. That's almost 14 years of gaming across a dozen consoles.
or...um...I'm fine...lalala
I'm very aware of the computer games my kids play. I do believe it is my responsibility to know what they are playing. It's not that difficult, really. I've only had to veto one game - some Spider Man game where there are a few too many punches and bombs flying (he's six years old, okay). There are plenty of games kids can play that are not violent, and are still fun. Take the time to find them, I say.
There are a lot of good comparisons in this thread to the heavy metal/suicide, rap/gangs thing. These thing (music, games, etc.) don't cause the problems - they are a reaction (or reflection) to what goes on in society. I would image that the statistics would show that the proportion of crimes committed by 'violent video game' players is no higher than crimes committed by non-players. Same with music - heavy metal music doesn't make you any more inclined to kill someone than country music does.
I'm more curious as to why we want to play these games. What's so fun about blowing someone's head off (head shot!)? I don't know. And I do play these games. Anyone here ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon. I love that game - no blood and guts. People having fun. I think there should be more games like this. But, of course, the gaming companies are going to make whatever sells the best.
And, yes, the Redeemer is the ultimate weapon.
Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, the Columbine shooters, were both doom gamers and modded it extensively (I won't like to them because it would piss somebody off).
Video games are like anything else; its a personal choice of how you use them or let them use you.
It comes down to us parents.
My kids are 6 4 and 2.
they are welcome to play games on web pages such as Nick, Disney, Cartoon Network.
we do not and will not have gaming consoles.
I don't like the violent games, i didn't really like them when i was a teenager either.
Too many moves,,,too many buttons...
Gimme a good scrolling shoot em up game like Raiden or Zaxxon or stuff out of the atart 2600 collection.
my kids and i are happy with that.