And thats where the problem comes regarding violent games, lyrics, etc and the restrictions, laws, finger pointing, etc.
yes, it is a possibility, but like dlown says, if your child is off in one way, has other influences from another way, it certainly isnt just one thing that would set that child off, and many more children dont have soon as one delves into something less like reality fingers are pointed at one source, or a combination of sources that others dont agree with.
There are a great many things I dont agree with however, if someone has problems, Im not going to point a fingersaying this one thing in their life did them in and it should be removed, banned, desensitized, etc. Certainly though, I agree that parental discretion is needed and all that....
however, yep...the more something has that 'I shouldnt have this' labeling to it, most likely, the kids not only will want it more, they'll find a way to get it.
I love heavy metal, action and horror movies, and have played some pretty interesting computer games....and although Im a bit twisted, Im certainly normal, quiet, and generally non violent <I do however drive in Boston, I dont think that counts though>.

Its all in the person, really....I guess some are lucky not to be twisted before all this 'dark' stuff is an interest in their life.