As we exist in this world we need to understand how we relate to it.
To understand the cognitive experiences you require a SYMMETRICAL science.
As present scientific theories are not symmetrical it is not possible to relate them to the cognitive experiences which explains why there are so many issues with mental health.
You require a science that balances the left with the right and the right with the left when it comes to understanding the cognitive experiences.
A simple science is required that can be easily understood by the individual.You can try to understand the cognitive experiences with the half logic formulas +=- and -=+ However, it isn’t possible to understand the cognitive experiences with these 2 divided formulas because they do not relate to the cognitive experiences.
The only way to understand the cognitive experiences is with the UNITED formula +/-=+/- This UNITED formula translates into science as alternating + and - electromagnetic forces on the right balancing with alternating + and - forces on the left,These force interactions combine the full logic combinations -/-…-/+..+/-…+/+ into one vibratory balanced formula rather than into two attraction formulas.
SELF resides in the middle of these vibratory forces and experiences the effects of these interacting forces in the form of the “in” and “out” of the moment consciousness states.
Electrical signals (Thoughts) passing through the vibrating electromagnetic fields within the brain result in sinusoidal outputs as observed on EEG monitors.
SELF needs to learn how to CONTROL the effects of these vibratory forces or SELF will continue to be subjected to the vibratory nature of them.
If no CONTROL is exercised over these interacting forces it’s because SELF remains in an AUTOPILOT vibratory state of consciousness in total UNAWARENESS.