How much is our experience and ideas about gender and sexuality, here in modern Western culture, relevant at all to stone age cultures? There is a biological imperative to have sex that goes across times and culture... all humans are pushed by our natures to reproduce. But the idea that we can inject our modern ideas about gender equality and sexual freedom onto Stone Age cultures is ridiculous. This discussion says more about the mythology of Western cultures in 2015 then about any previous cultures.
I suspect that if you went back to the Stone Age (or any previous age) to discuss "No means No" or "Yes means Yes"... this is as relevant as trying to find an historical answer about whether Android is better than IPhone.
People are taking our own modern issues and injecting them onto earlier cultures. This just warps our view of history and reinforces our own culturally specific views of human nature. If you really hope to understand other cultures, you have to be open-minded. Other cultures are very different to ours in ways that we would find offensive (just as they would find our behavior offensive).
The temptation is to believe that our own modern culture is somehow superior than all other cultures... and that it somehow reflects some absolute truth that we can trace through the ages.
Every culture believes that they are superior to all other cultures. It is part of our mythology, in truth our culture is no different.