There is a selective reading of history happening here on a number of levels. Some modern voices want to find examples that support their markedly modern narrative. A quick google search finds example of ancient Germanic concubines (which I don't think match the progressive narrative)... you can have one wife, and still have concubines or mistresses (I don't know if this is considered monogamy).
But let's look at this in terms of what both you and I know from our experience as men. I offer the following without any moral judgement... but just a intellectual exploration of facts. Can we agree on the following?
1) Most men want to have sex with multiple partners over their lifetime (although they may want to be faithful to a single partner for a period of time). This is a biological drive, across cultures. There is an obvious evolutionary reason for this drive.
2) Many cultures have rules to restrict sexuality, effectively restricting the natural sex drive. These rules change from culture to culture and are often beneficial.
Can we agree on these two premises for the sake of an interesting discussion?