I did, but only for a second, well it could have been hours, but it felt like seconds and the effects of seeing it stayed with me for years, all the universe made perfect sense and all things are connected in circles and waves which are the same thing it didn't matter trees, structures, planets, knowing or unknowingly everything operates around or in the radius of those circles there are no gaps, no uneven sections, its not very explainable. take an arch, there is the air/energy/call it what you want, i'm going to call it energy, the same energy above and below the arch and through the arch all connected like a giant puzzle of circles, how can their be one under the ground? yes? it continues but is the same while not being the same. Seems like by design it is not explainable, i tried to write it down once, but the universe wouldn't let me. I would get to the finite point and as i wrote it and one of the previous line would come out bringing me back into the fold of the circle. even after i left that state, for years i could sense danger and negative energy, from far, not like i would read someone and it would be a guess off previous experiences, like, i would command people to stop in their tracks they'd say why, id say annnnnddddd now and point to the intersection, and the danger would fly by as tho i was commanding it, i was young couldnt really tell if i was along for the ride, driving, or just loosing my mind, its was terrifingly powerful, it would cause me to tremble at times, I dont scare easy. I couldnt handle the fear that came with this power and after years of practice, I pridicted the lottory, won $100,000 dollars, didnt cash it. The chaos has a method but its madding to grasp an understanding, I concentrated on defining the signs, refusing my gift, its silent now, seemingly forever, ive tried to turn in back on but alas, nothing, i cant tell the diffrence between fear, angzitey, and the energy, i coudlnt live like that, so i turned it off in a way. its maddening because everything is connected, hence everything is a different indication of something else. I could never get back to nirvana but i could if i concentrated see the circles, but only in small sections pitucurally at night where i could manipulate the light, i also used to like to move clouds around, i know you think im crazy, so did we all, even after i proved it over and over some people embraced it, pitcurally people liked when i made the tv have a completely coherent message out of the television by merely introducing chaos, but i couldnt,the parlour tricks didnt help only added guilt, i was a human radar detector, was even a nick name, but alas its off, and cannot be turned on. I've tried but nothing, its important that if you want to achive this you have to understand you don't know ****. plain and simple, the fact that language of foul, or my grammar distracts you from my energy transfer to you, is just a small example of the multitude of things that you have to surrender, you are not what you think you are. we arnt. God, Countries, physics, light, electricity, reality isnt what you think it is, but thats just it, reality is that what you choose to accept it is. Im lucky by your standards, cursed by mine, also a natural lucid dreamer idk if that played into it or not. im sorry i cannot edit anymore this conversation has made me somewhat faint.