@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:
...aaaah, so "civilized" suicide is allowed?

Mathematicians call it the null set...I don't buy it.
Its based on the mind at the moment of death.
Unenlightened mind will be led to its next birth based on that moments mind and the karma associated. Essentially there are levels of consciousness and after the death this seed consciousness moves up or down within these levels based on your karmic push.
If you have certain attachments or aversions your consciousness will be led by them culminating in your next birth.
It can be in the hell realms.
It can be as a hungry ghost.
It can be as an animal.
It can be as a human.
It can be as an Asura.
It can be as a god.
The enlightened mind transcends all future birth. However the Bodhisattva chooses to endure another birth for the sole purpose of teaching dharma to allow other beings a chance to escape samsara.
You don't need to buy it. It does not matter if you believe this is how it is or not.
The underline principal is seen through the aspects of reality we do have access of.
Such as the no-self dharma. The Buddha redundantly examines where the self can be found, what it is composed of, how it arises and how it is in constant change. There is nothing else like it.
Or the twelve links of dependant arising. He explains in detail how the experience of existence perpetuates and how it can be broken. The process by which its broken and the result when it is broken.
Others as well, equanimity, impermanence, the experience of Jhana. All can be tested now in this life at this moment without any need to blindly believe. They can be investigated, faith is not required.