cavfancier wrote:If the premeditated murder preceded the amnesia, as stated, then he is still liable for the crime, and the amnesia defence is nothing but a legal smokescreen.
However, for the sake of this exercise, it is NOT a legal smokescreen - it is established truth!
This is a fun thing I love to speculate about - are we the same person without memories?
Interestingly, some people with quite advanced dementia - and hence almost no memories at all, maintain a strong resemblance to their previous personality - gracious, hoity-toity, grande-dame etc.
A somewhat similar question was raised by a client I had a few years ago, who had suffered a brain tumour as a little fella which, though successfully removed, left him almost blind, and which caused an early puberty. At 12, this young man looked and felt more like 19 or 20. Many of his friends were that age - he had a 17 year old girlfriend - but his parents felt huge dilemmas with all of this about whether they should treat him as a little kid, or a young adult. So - what was he?
Anyway - our amnesiac.
Presumably, when he committed the crime, there was mens rea. Does this still exist?
Well - had he already been imprisoned, and suffered the amnesia several years into his sentence, I don't think he would have been freed.
I think the amnesia would be unlikely to be seen as an adequate defence - that, for the purposes of the law, he could be seen as the same person - and hence stand trial.
The jury, of course, could do whatever it wished re convicting him!
I know of a man who suffered terrible nightmares, which over time became clearer, and resolved into a clear dream of cutting a friend's head off - initially, it was of a bouncing ball, which for some reason terrified him.
Eventually, the image became so clear - and the friend, whom he now remembered, though he had not for some years, had, indeed, disappeared - that he went to the police saying he feared he might have committed a murder. He was able, with the police, to find the house which the friend had lived in, and the memories re-emerged clearly when he was in the back garden. He took the police to where the body and head were buried - there had been some sort of terrible drunken fight.
The fella was convicted of murder.