Sure you can, and you will save lots of effort.
Check the amperage needed for the installed devices.
According to NEC 220:12, the calculation is 3 Volt-amperes per square foot, and you can translate it faster and more accurate by checking the amps of each device in each station quad of the hair saloon.
Like to say,
a hair dryer pulls 1,800 watts and will need a 15 amp circuit breaker. Plus,, there will be other devices connected to the outlet. So each station squad might need a dedicated 20 amps circuit. You can install a duplex receptacle to give more comfort.(this might mean to add 10 circuit breakers in the panel box
Be sure to check first the total amperage needed by the hair saloon devices in order to avoid overloads. Each device has the require watt/amp information, you are doing installations for devices like hair dryers, curly flat irons, etc.
About running wires inside EMT.
If you use a electric fish tape, you can run from the further junction box to the first one and pull the wires straight without splits. This will give you lots of space for running more cables thru the same junction boxes. There will be a lot of wiring.
On the other hand, from the panel you can run the EMT in two ways, right and left, and each side can supply power for five station squad areas. Here you have less wires to play with at each junction box. This is assuming that station squads will also be one in front of the another using opposites walls.
If you can, label the wires at each junction box, this is for future repairs, it will facilitate any troubleshooting if needed. This is not obligatory, but it will save time if one day is needed to locate a certain circuit running on the third junction box, as an example.
Best wishes with your project.