What about the millions of manuscripts that Muslims, Christians and Jews destroyed because the church deemed them to be heretical?
You seem to see only what is left rather the whole.
Even if only half was preserved (more like one tenth), it is the other part that is in question here.
The entire history of the first century was burned by Constantine to preserve the "canon" out of perhaps thousands of first century writing on Jesus, only a handful of apocryphal codices survived.
Catholic bishops burned the Aztec's entire history and holy writings.
The same for the Greeks, only a fraction of Greek and Roman literature survived the Ottoman invasion of the Middle east.
And the burning of the Library at Alexandra has the fingerprints of religious zealots written all over it.
Hundreds if not thousands of paintings and sculptures by the great masters burned in Florence Italy due to the Pope's condemning influence. The list goes on and on... Entire cultures of people killed by the Roman Catholics because of their heretical beliefs. The largest genocide in all of history perpetrated on the American Indians and their culture fueled by religious hate. While the Catholic Church at the time was staging mass orgies at the Vatican and London was the prostitute center of the world.
Artists burned at the stake as heretics and "the dark ages" where great theaters in France and all across Europe were burnt and art and literature of any kind were forbidden (except for a handful of monks).
What of all the gentile cities "utterly destroyed" as the Bible describes it, by the Jewish people of the Old Testament because God wished it so.
So some literature survived this religious scourge and we are supposed to be grateful? A precious minority of literature survived because the religious were incapable of understanding their greatness. They survived simply to be used later as tools of oppression by the church.
These are not conspiracy theories, this is what actually happened due to religion and the imbeciles that support it.